精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這個月份你可能會透過與舊人的交流而感覺到些許的懷舊感。 追憶著過往對你來說想必是挺不錯的吧,魔兒, 藉此來喚醒一些舊夢,並重新燃起你的興趣。 儘管在過去只是做做白日夢, 但是你已經成熟了不少也變了很多, 總算是等到美夢可能成真的一天了。 與日常相關的一些計畫有機會在代辦事項中優先獲得考量, 而你更可能得到家人朋友自願性的幫忙。 你也可能會順道招待遠道而來並想好好促膝長談的親朋好友, 有機會去修復一下關係。 至於本月的開銷上, 可能要考慮暫緩關於娛樂性或奢侈品方面的大筆支出了, 並且專注在必要性花費上。 如此一來,你便能更無虞地去運用剩下來的特支費。 就算你僅能勒緊褲帶度日, 也不要忘了偶爾對自己好一點,樂在其中。 You may experience something of a step back in time this month through an exchange with someone from your past. Reminiscing about days gone by may be a really good thing for you, Capricorn, for it could awaken an old dream or two, and ignite your interest once again. Even though these hopes may not have had much substance in the past, you have matured and evolved since then, and they may be possible now. Home-related projects could move from the back burner to the front burner this month, and you may even get some help from a friend or family member who volunteers to help you. You might also wind up hosting a loved one who is traveling and wants to check in, which might spur your desire to fix things up. Think about putting a hold on any major spending this month on things that are more about recreation or luxury, and concentrate instead on taking care of essential needs first. If you do, you can then be more carefree when you know how much you have left in the form of discretionary funds. But even though you may be putting yourself on a limited budget, you should splurge every so often and have a little bit of fun. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 下個月的運勢現在就開始準, 會不會讓人太期待呀! 閒的發慌就順手翻譯一下, 希望大家在疫情中都還是能找到生活的樂趣, 到時候報復性玩一波! 手機發文,排版如果很奇怪請見諒!!! ----- Sent from JPTT on my Google Pixel 3a. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1622044863.A.32C.html
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