精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
在這個月份裡,一個等待已久的對話可以帶給你從來沒考慮過的新發現。就算這可能會讓你用不同的角度來看待一個計畫,這可不是不好的角度唷。說真的,這可能會開啟一個新的大門來做你沒想過會有機會的事情。這些內部消息也許不會馬上到來,不過,就在你開始去思考什麼是有機會的事之後。八月也將會是一個很棒的月份,來把與家庭相關的計畫提升到下個階段,不管是賣房子、裝修或是重新佈置。樂在其中吧,也要小心不要讓壓力來攪局。這一切都是關於你的家,一個敞開雙臂歡迎你的避風港,記著。藉由在計畫的同時活在當下來為它帶來溫暖的氛圍。 一件金錢方面和別人有關的事,或許是專長財會的會計師、朋友或家人,將會帶來一些驚喜。你可能會改變你保留文件的方式,或者是對於財務的想法。但如果你願意學習,這也是某種可以變成大大的好事。稍後在本月裡,某個老朋友的造訪或許能帶給你一個機會來促膝談心,並能回到你曾經享受過的深刻交流。 Capricorn horoscope for August This month, a long-overdue conversation could result in a revelation you had not even considered, Capricorn. While this may cause you to see a certain plan in a different light - it isn't a bad light at all. In fact, it might open a whole new door to doing things you hadn't even thought were possible. These insights might not come immediately, but rather after you start thinking about what could be possible. August will also be a great month for taking a home-related plan to the next level, whether this is selling your abode, renovating, or redecorating. Have fun with the process, and be careful not to let stress come into the picture. It is all about your home, which is supposed to be your welcoming sanctuary, so keep that in mind. Set the tone for a warm space by being present throughout any planning. A money matter that you go over with someone, perhaps an accountant or a friend or family member with financial expertise, could have some surprises. You may alter the way you keep records or the way you think about your finances. But this is something that can turn into a big positive if you learn more. Later in the month, a visit from an old friend may give you a chance to catch up and get back into the same deep connection you once enjoyed. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh ----- Sent from JPTT on my Google Pixel 3a. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1627311768.A.150.html
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