精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You might start out this month hoping that your role in a new project will be mostly behind the scenes. After all, you can do more without someone watching you or analyzing what you are doing. However, stepping out into the spotlight and showing off your talents will do a lot to further your goal. Consider being a very vocal part of this project, Capricorn. You may consider it a mixed blessing when someone offers you their assistance with a problem you are dealing with. You know that this person has the expertise that you know will be beneficial to you; yet you may believe that you will wind up beholding to that person. Don't worry about that now. Just take any offers of help in the spirit they are intended, and do what you have to do. You can worry about the ramifications later on. You may find this month that you keep receiving signs that could bring you an answer to a question you sent out into the universe. Just be sure that you accept the signs as they are rather than interpreting them in the way and with the message you are hoping to receive. Be honest with yourself. This month may also find you thinking about embarking on a healthy lifestyle change. Whether this is healthier eating, more exercise, or more time to relax and rejuvenate, it is coming at an excellent time. It's especially important now to do some self-nurturing. Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh --- 本月的開始,你可能會希望自己在參與的新工作中擔任幕後執行的角色,畢竟,你在沒有 眼睛看著你、評估你時能有更好的發揮。然而,站到聚光燈下大展長才能讓你往目標更加 邁進。魔魔,不妨考慮讓自己在這次的工作中處在能發聲的位置。 某個前來協助你處理眼前問題的人可能令你百感交集,你知道此人的專長對你有幫助,但 又覺得事情最後自己只有膜拜景仰的份。但那還不是現在的你該擔心的,只要依你所願地 接受幫助,並做好自己份內的事就好,過後再來想你原本擔心的。 這個月你也會察覺到自己持續收到過去向星星許願所給的答覆信號,要確定自己是如實接 收信號,而不是指把它們超譯成自己想聽到的答案,誠實對待自己。 你在本月也會開始思考如何改進成健康的生活型態,不管是更健康的飲食,更多運動,或 是更多放鬆、沉澱的時間,這都是個絕佳的時機,此時來些自行滋養對你而言格外重要。 版權所有c 每日星座運勢。 立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1549386549.A.538.html
lena411100: 推02/06 01:26
ivyclover: 謝謝分享02/06 08:35
hikari: 推,謝謝a大在新年仍然為大家努力翻譯~ 02/06 21:49
Gelala: 推,謝謝a大、新年快樂! 02/07 01:25
coffee777: 好文,多謝02/07 10:16
※ 編輯: aker0115 (, 02/07/2019 12:02:06
nakira: PUSH! 02/07 23:35