精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You aren't one to call attention to yourself, Capricorn, but this month you mi ght need the assistance or support that can come only through making others aw are of something important you are working on. This means you may have to stir up some excitement and win others over to your side. Don't be shy. You have something wonderful to share, and you should be proud to show off your accomplishments. If you do, you should be able to gather everything essential to your progress and eventual success. A challenge you may be facing at work or with a process that involves a big investment of your time may require some major brainstormi ng. You can do this on your own, of course, but if you introduce others to help yo u, it might be easier to come up with a broader range of ideas. And the more y ou have to choose from, the sooner you will figure things out. You may have been placating someone by telling them what you think they want t o hear. This month, though, there may be a standoff where you will have to exp ress what you are really thinking and feeling. If you keep glossing over the truth, it will only hurt you in the long run. Bu t if you are upfront about what you want and need, you have a very good chance of getting it. Even though a conversation connected to this could be a real e ye-opener, it will bring truth to the scene, which is always a good thing. - 其實你並不是一個慣於吸引別人注意的人,魔魔。 但在這個月,你將需要讓他人意識到你正著手處理的工作,才能得到協助以及支持。 這意味著你必須激起一些什麼,才能讓旁人向你靠攏。 不要害羞,你擁有很多美好的事物,而你應該替自己感到驕傲並分享給他人。 如果你這麼做了,將能集齊一切導致成功所需的進步及關鍵。 這個月你將面臨工作上的挑戰,或是一個已經讓你投入了大量心力與時間的腦力激盪。 你當然可以靠自己的能力擺平上述那些困難,這是無庸置疑的。但當你願意讓你信任並由 你親自介紹的人來幫助你時,一切將會簡單許多。你更能集思廣益,能更快的理解出解決 問題的辦法。 - 你可能習慣了透過說出某個人想聽的話來安撫某個人。但這個月你將會陷入一個僵局,你 不得不說出你內心真正的想法與感受。 如果你持續掩蓋事實,將只會傷害到你自己。 這不是長久之計。 而如果你有某樣非常想得到的東西,在這個月,你會有非常好的機會去得到它。儘管與這 件事相關的談話將讓你不知所措,但卻會帶來真相,何嘗不是一件好事。 —- 今天看到a大要去當兵的消息 寄了信詢問目前有沒有人接手翻譯 大大說目前還沒有 如果大家不反對的話 我願意接手這個重責大任(舉手 目前因為人生規劃 剛好需要更多英文語感的練習 順手翻了6月月運 希望大家不嫌棄:) 也謝謝大大的付出 7月開始我會努力的! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1560092505.A.571.html ※ 編輯: GreenDot ( 臺灣), 06/09/2019 23:02:28
kaye1228: 謝謝您們06/09 23:17
SgEPCKc: 謝謝兩位的付出~06/09 23:19
chiling0107: 推06/09 23:43
k26880132: 推06/09 23:48
maxcat11: 謝謝你們,辛苦了06/09 23:50
dallas0939: 熱心 推06/09 23:58
panda0116: 謝謝您們06/10 00:02
lionccc: 辛苦了06/10 00:05
nyo1223: 推!謝謝你們~~~06/10 00:09
cicatrix: 感謝您 每天都會看看運勢 多虧有你們的付出06/10 00:13
kevin890117: 謝謝你們06/10 00:20
haekwang: 謝謝你們的付出,辛苦了06/10 00:40
yuli2003: 謝謝你們06/10 00:40
cityhunter04: 加油06/10 00:47
cloic: 謝謝你們:)06/10 01:07
harubeer: 謝謝!06/10 01:25
drinkair: 謝謝~06/10 01:33
imbattle: 感謝每一位翻譯的大大努力付出,感恩~~06/10 02:44
superdada: 謝謝你們06/10 04:25
hikari: 推,謝謝,加油,祝大家人生順利與進展06/10 06:29
sh3425346: 謝謝 06/10 07:04
filekidd: 謝謝06/10 07:21
GHOSTDOG: 謝謝你們的付出,辛苦了06/10 07:22
imerin: 謝謝~~06/10 08:05
ivyclover: 推 謝謝你06/10 08:42
ciballoon: 推~06/10 09:52
yijhen: 謝謝您06/10 10:05
c17debby: 感謝你們的付出><06/10 10:07
z8512230: 謝謝06/10 10:15
Ambition0114: 謝謝你們的付出06/10 11:17
lydia85753: 謝謝你們~~06/10 11:51
mu3386: 辛苦了! 感謝妳的付出~06/10 12:12
MrNext: 謝謝耶06/10 12:20
Gelala: 謝謝兩位的付出,謝謝~06/10 15:03
betaku: 推06/10 15:13
Souenshizu: 謝謝妳們~~~辛苦了!06/10 16:32
jerry2350: 謝謝06/10 17:02
謝謝各位 但我還沒開始做事啦QQ 謝謝a大 讚嘆a大 ※ 編輯: GreenDot ( 臺灣), 06/10/2019 18:00:51
snowydog: 謝謝~~辛苦了! 06/10 18:37
ichann: 謝謝:) 06/10 19:15
exas612: 謝謝你們 06/10 20:05
WOLFLES: 謝謝您們的幫忙翻譯~ 06/10 20:14
mosi: 謝謝你們 06/10 20:42
g01921v08: 辛苦了 感謝付出! 06/10 22:21
gshack: 感謝分享,辛苦了 06/10 22:48
mirido: 推~辛苦了!謝謝你們~ 06/11 01:43
aogoco: 謝謝你 06/12 03:41