精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
You may find yourself reevaluating your career or some other major aspect of y our life this month, Capricorn. But this is a good thing, and it should be an enjoyable learning experience. You could very well wind up realizing that wher e you already are is where you really want to be, but what you learn in the pr ocess could become quite valuable in part because it validates your earlier ch oices. A seminar or a class could be required for you this month most likely related to work, but it could feel more like fun than work, so don't give in to any ne gative misperceptions or expectations. You may have to work through a personal issue to take advantage of an offer or an opportunity that comes to you through a friend or co-worker. This may be s omething you should get over anyway, and this will be an excellent chance to f eel inspired to take on the challenge. The confidence that you build through t his experience could benefit you in many areas of your life now and in the fut ure. An illusion you have had about a loved one may come falling apart in December. And although this will require you to adjust the way you deal with this perso n; this is actually a good thing. Getting reacquainted with this person in a m ore honest way will bring your connection down to earth and will enable better bonding and communication. 魔魔 在這個月 你會發現你開始重新評估你的職涯 或是一些生命中其他重要的面向 但這是件好事 而且應該會是個愉快的學習經驗 你可能會完全意識到 你已經成為你想要成為的那個樣子 在這個過程中 有些你學到的東西將會的變得非常有價值 因為他證實了你之前的選擇 這個月很可能會為你辦一場研討會 或是一個課程 八成會跟工作有關 不過這會比工作還要有趣 所以不要屈服在任何負面的誤解或是期望 你必須要解決個人的問題 才能善用由同事或是朋友那邊 提供的建議或是機會 或許你需要去克服一些事情 這是一個很棒的機會 激勵你去面對挑戰 透過這個經歷讓你所建立起的信心 將會使你現在或是未來的許多生活領域中受益 在12月 你可能會對一個你的愛人/親人的幻想破滅 這也會讓你調適跟這個人相處的方法 這其實是一件好事 你能用更真誠的方式和這個人重新認識 也將會使你們的關係更紮實 以及有更好的連結與交流 Copyright c Daily Horoscope http://comitic.com/dh —- 不知道為什麼打完我想唱一首歌 打破他!!! 魔魔們 Fighting!(擊掌 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1574921355.A.C40.html
tsueh2837: 打破他的印象!打破他! 11/28 14:18
cityhunter04: 幻想破滅?顆顆.... 11/28 20:06
GreenDot: 饒舌屆的鄧麗君 11/28 22:12
Gelala: 推 11/28 22:47
ivyclover: 謝謝分享 11/28 23:17
superdada: 推 11/28 23:27
repression: 謝謝分享 11/29 00:13
bcmia: 在一年的尾聲大家一起加油~ 11/29 00:29
betaku: 推 11/29 07:41
k26880132: 推 12/01 00:09