精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好, 不知道新年的第一個月各位魔羯人過得怎麼樣呢? 是不是像我一樣仍然有點徬徨 卻有信心走在對的路上? 我一直是peterbono大貼心翻譯每日運勢的忠實粉絲, 每年也會不斷翻閱Daily Horoscope 的年運, 在翻譯整體運勢和愛情運勢時也不斷幫自己加油, 希望新的一年會更好, 之後有空會再把家庭跟工作運補上~ __________________________________________ 魔羯座2018年運 Capricorn yearly horoscope for 2018 無論你長到幾歲, 你一直都能夠保持一顆赤子之心及樂觀的態度。 像隻年輕的公羊歡迎著腳下的每個機會, 你總能以活躍的生命力及熱情看待你投入的任何事物。 你是個創新者和夢想家, 就算不是每個人都能了解你,你卻怡然自得。 過去的一年因為你正享受你所做的每件事情而過的飛快。 你的領導能力火力全開,他人則渴望跟隨。 這個趨勢會延續至今年, 因為很多人會向你尋求協助、建議和指導。 雖然你可以很獨立, 但是你應該對服務及教導大家的機會敞開胸懷。 你在相關的重要領域已經建立了強大聲望, 這樣的情形也會因為有更多新的方向與機會 向你招手而持續著。 在2018年,你可能會遭遇某種比起你先前 所經歷過的更沉重的挫折, 因為面對著種種挑戰,你必須下更大的賭注了。 通常你蠻慵懶又無憂無慮的,魔, 你將會需要時不時地找回那樣的自己, 並且記住無論你面對到什麼樣的麻煩或難題, 關關難過關關過。 總而言之,新的一年將是很不錯的。 No matter how old you get, you always maintain your youthful mind and your buoyant spirit. Like a young goat kicking up its heels at every opportunity, you retain a zest for life and passion for everything you become involved in. You are an innovator and a visionary, and not everyone gets where you are coming from, but that is just fine with you. The last year went very quickly for you in many ways because you enjoyed so much of what you were doing. Your leadership abilities were in full force, and others were eager to follow. That trend should continue into this year, with many turning to you for guidance, advice, and mentorship. Although you can be very independent, you should welcome the opportunity to serve and to teach others. You have been building a strong reputation in areas that are of significant importance to you, and this should also continue as many new paths open up and many chances entice you from the horizon. In 2018, you may experience somewhat greater stress than you've had in the past because the stakes will be pretty high in many of your ventures. You are usually rather laid-back and carefree, Capricorn, and you will need to tap into that capacity from time to time, and keep in mind that whatever troubles or struggles you face - this too shall pass. All in all, 2018 looks to be an excellent year. 愛情 雖然工作生活常常對你來說像是娛樂, 但是愛情生活有時候反倒像是工作一樣。 工作機會可能唾手可得,魔, 愛情可不是這樣。 這可能是因為當一位對象與你共處時, 你仍時時希冀著工作,傾向以工作為優先。 你已經在這方面有所軟化, 並花了更多時間來呵護你的感情, 但是如果你不繼續使這段關係活絡, 你很容易走回頭路。 大抵來看,你有時候會臨陣脫逃, 並在職場上比在情場上來得較雄心壯志。 在2017年, 你確實學習到如何去平衡你的工作與私人生活, 但是當工作在接近年底時變得更複雜, 你或許重新調整了孰先孰後, 只是改變永遠不會來的太晚! 你已經察覺愛情對你的人生而言是多麼重要, 它甚至能加強你生活的各方面,包含工作。 有對象的魔們在新的一年可能要花更多力氣贏回伴侶的心, 但只要你有心就能夠成功。 計畫幾個你儂我儂的浪漫夜晚或者是快速地來個咖啡約會, 都能為你們關係帶來奇蹟。 單身的魔們可能在年前已經遇見特別的他/她, 不過在新年的一開始你們之間可能會出現幾個小爭執。 你將會需要決定他/她是不是對的人, 並且果斷的進入下個階段。 如果你還沒有找到對象, 春天能夠帶來那個特別、有意義的關係。 Love Although your work life often seems like play to you, your love life may occasionally seem like work. While business may come easily to you, Capricorn, romance often does not. That may be because while spending time with a romantic partner, you may be thinking a lot about business, as it tends to be a priority for you. You have softened somewhat in this regard, and dedicated more of your time to nurturing your romantic relationships, but if you don't continue to make this an active part of your relationship, you can easily slip back into your old ways. You sometimes slip and tend to be more ambitious about your career than your personal relationships in general. In 2017, you did learn more about balancing your work with your personal life, but as work got more complicated toward the end of the year, you may have refocused and made that your priority - but it is never too late to change! You have come to recognize how important romance is in your life, and how it can actually enhance everything else you do - including your work. Attached Capricorns may need to work a little harder in 2018 to get back on firm ground with their partner, but you can do it if you make it a part of your purpose. Planning romantic evenings alone or quick dates for coffee can do wonders for your bond. Single Capricorns may have met someone special late last year, but there could be a few squabbles early on in 2018. You will have to decide if this person is right for you or not, and be decisive in the next steps. If you haven't found anyone yet, spring could bring that special, meaningful bond. Family You have probably experienced a rather smooth and happy time with your family over the last year, Capricorn. In general, your relationships have become more balanced, and you have learned to make a point of remaining in touch, and sharing more about your life with others. You may have a wide array of very diverse people you are close to, and this is both interesting and distracting to you. You tend to have set ways of dealing with various aspects of your life, and dealing with different family members in differing ways is challenging for you - but it is also good for you. News from a distance may be intriguing, as it may come from a loved one from "the old country" or from someone who relocated to distant shores. This may inspire a desire to learn more about your ancestry, and to start exploring generations past. This might even lead to a new passion for genealogy or some related field. A family member you have grown closer to may come to you for some form of help that you are not quite comfortable with, such as a partnership of some kind, an investment, or a loan. Even if you don't want to help or go along with this, be sure to explain yourself gently and with compassion and understanding. You can refuse, help but maintain the sanctity of this bond if you tread carefully, Capricorn. Career Last year may have ended with the beginning of a new venture that was both exciting and challenging. This will carry into 2018 in a big way, Capricorn, and you could not be more pleased. You have surrounded yourself - or you will surround yourself - with capable partners who understand your serious nature and your steady inclination for proceeding with care and strategy. You could form partnerships this year that are ideal for your temperament, and vice versa. This stands to be an excellent year for business people of your sign, and that is probably music to your ears. Although there is probably one main business venture that is occupying your thoughts for much of your time, there will be various other assorted opportunities that you'll want to explore or launch. At least one of these could bring great success if you are discerning in how you manage it. Maintaining your sense of humor and your carefree, laid-back attitude at work will enhance your promises for success, because although this will be a successful year overall, it may come with a few challenges. Steer clear of any opportunities that promise "overnight success," no matter how promising they seem to be. This may go without saying as you tend to follow the adage "it is better to be safe than sorry." Overall, positive career growth and success in many ventures are in store for you in 2018, Capricorn. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh ----- Sent from JPTT on my Asus ASUS_Z017DA. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1516867487.A.5B5.html
ph18: 推!謝謝S大 01/25 16:06
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hikari: 謝謝~感情還可以更準一點 QQ 01/26 00:25
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hikari: 並在職場上比在情場上來得較雄心壯志。」 01/26 00:26
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