精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The good wishes and accolades you received for a much earlier project may finally be reaching you, Capricorn. Although these positive vibrations are reaching you - or will be reaching you - a bit late, you need to be present in the moment so that you can fully enjoy what's happening. Do you know why? Because this is what you deserve, and stealing it away from yourself will do you no good. Let go of any resentment you are feeling for being overlooked or ignored in the past, and revel in the attention you receive. This month will be great in other ways as well. A timid friend who rarely reveals a personal side may suddenly warm up, and what you learn about this person will be heart-warming, especially when you learn how this person sees and feels about you. In a way, it will feel like compensation for some difficult times you may have endured with this individual. Later in the month - perhaps around the third week - you may find that an endeavor you began with little fanfare is picking up steam and taking on a life of its own. This is wonderful because this has the potential to open doors for you and give you an entrée to a world that taps into many of your happiest fantasies and boldest aspirations. Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh --- 你在許久之前收到的祝福和讚許終將在你身上實現了,魔魔。儘管這些正能量正在接近你 ──或是將要接近你了──它們也許會遲到一下下。你得要粉墨登場,這樣才能享受當下 發生的一切。你知道這是為什麼嗎?因為這就是你值得擁有的,而把它從你自己身上偷走 對你沒有好處。放下那些過去你因被忽視而產生的怨懟,以陶醉在你收到的關注取而代之 。這個月在其他方面也都很好,一個平時不敢透露有關自己個人一面的朋友將會突然暖起 來,而且你對這個人的了解將暖到你心坎裡,特別是當你知道這個人是怎麼看待你的時候 。就某種程度上來說,這是你曾和這個人經歷過一段艱困期所給的補償。在本月稍晚── 或許是第三週左右──你會發現你過往低調的努力如今已開始步上軌道。這真的很棒!因 為這能為你敞開大門,使你進入滿是讓你最快樂的理想和無畏心願的世界。 版權所有c 每日星座運勢。 立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1527690981.A.32A.html
kim03191230: 推! 05/30 22:44
Gelala: 推 05/30 22:54
ivyclover: 謝謝分享 05/30 23:07
nanahoabc: 推 希望如此! 05/30 23:22
vickielove: 已經確定錄取一份看似不錯的職缺 但七月中才上班XD 05/30 23:36
annie123019: 突然正能量爆棚,有點怕怕的 05/30 23:51
princekeita: 推! 05/31 00:25
shiratama: 推 05/31 01:02
roqu525: 推 05/31 03:21
Trent11: 希望準 而且是我所想的那個人QQ 05/31 03:23
love6303009: 推 05/31 07:24
fzxcvbna: 感覺很棒 05/31 08:40
keeptrue: 推 05/31 10:03
mirrorkiki: 推~希望是順利的六月啊! 05/31 11:09
hikari: 希望如此 05/31 11:20
sh3425346: 希望6/20面試順利 05/31 12:34
qk33520: 推 05/31 12:43
cchunhuynh20: 不習慣充滿正能量的預測哈哈 05/31 12:55
chikachan: 希望 05/31 12:59
kidyagarbo: 推推推 05/31 13:48
Geech: 看起來是很好的一個月 05/31 14:45
WOLFLES: 推推 05/31 19:27
ny40yankees: 看來是付出然後回收的一個月 05/31 19:43
achien01: 推 05/31 20:26
shadowfan: 看到好預測都會覺得害怕(被害妄想 05/31 21:07
hellohs: 推 05/31 21:36
hanamini: 希望如此 05/31 23:12
ajiss: 看到上面留言都覺得果然是摩羯座阿 (超悲觀導向,害怕太幸 06/01 00:13
ajiss: 福哈哈哈 06/01 00:13
tangerine: 推 06/01 08:11
cejb2003: 天啊..內容寫的也太美好 希望能實現 06/01 22:51
Ambition0114: 我覺得幸不幸福還得看以前付出的多少 大家加油 06/06 23:14