精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Some things never change. You may be very focused on the future right now, Capricorn, securing your place in one venture or another all with the goal of feathering your nest and securing your future. But this month, you may find that even your best-laid plans will go awry as you try to control and perfect your goals. But that's actually a good thing because you may have gotten too stuck in a pattern, and you have more ability to break free and be more creative than you realize. When you hit the brick wall of disappointment, turn around and start over. This month will be all about new beginnings, second chances, and clean slates. The more creative you dare to be, the better your chances will be at succeeding. If someone turns you down on a deal or a proposition you have been working on in October, don't take no for an answer. That doesn't mean you should be overly aggressive; but you should be steadfast in your commitment to making this work, even if it means asking again and again and trying to prove your merit by coming up with new solutions. Late in the month, a friendship may be tested as you and someone dear to you get into a competition for something you both want. Keep in mind that true, lasting friendships are hard to come by. Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh --- 有些事情恆常不改。現在的你相當專注於未來,魔魔,為了鞏固將來、安身立命,你正在 確保自己擁有一席之地。但在這個月,你可能會察覺到即便是自己最妥當的計畫也會趕不 上變化,脫離目標。然而,這可以說是好事,因為這樣才能使你不執著在某個點上,可以 打破框架,變得比你所想的還要創新。當你行到令人難過的水窮處,不如坐看雲起時,另 闢蹊徑。本月可說是富含嶄新開始、第二次機會,以及拋開過往,重新開始的月份。你越 是能勇敢地天馬行空,你就離成功更加接近。在這個月,如果某人的提議令你不甚滿意, 先不要以拒絕作為回應,即便要經過一次又一次的考驗,並提出新的解決方法才能凸顯出 你的優點,仍然不要改變你要接下工作的堅定立場。 在本月稍晚會面臨關於友情的考驗,你得和一位你親愛的人競爭你們雙方都想要的事物。 要記得經過患難才能見真情RR 版權所有c 每日星座運勢。 立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1538499050.A.780.html
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