精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
If your life were a movie, this month, it could be a romantic comedy with you playing the fun sidekick. Someone in your life is going through a drama, and you may be going along for the ride throughout August. This person may frequently seek you out to gain insight and guidance, but it could become irritating after a while. Try to keep things in perspective, and try to find the humor in whatever occurs. An old flame could look you up in the first or second week of August, but it may not be for romantic purposes. This could be someone you also connected well with on an intellectual level, and there may be some venture this person wishes to explore with you. If you don't think it will cause complications in your life, then go for it. This could be rewarding. If you have been thinking about a move - from one home to another, or even from one town to another - August will be a great month to begin your search, Capricorn. You may find that there are many desirable options and a lot of help to guide you along the way. A long-overdue apology may come to you late in the month. While this may be a surprise, it will be welcome and could change the course of the relationship. Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh --- 如果人生是電影,那麼這個月你將在浪漫愛情喜劇中扮演主角的歡樂夥伴。你生命中的某 個人將迎來他出演的機會,在本月你也會參一腳。這個人會常找你出來尋求旁觀者清的指 引,但可能過不久便讓你森77了。試著讓事情維持在你尚能洞悉全局的層面,並用幽默感 化解任何發生的事件。 一位舊愛可能在本月的第一、二周前來找你,但這非關什麼羅曼蒂克情節。在需要榨些腦 汁的時候,此人會是你智囊團名單的常客,他也希望能與你開展新的故事。如果你覺得這 不會讓你的人生變得更錯綜複雜,那麼便放手去做吧,當中是有些善果的。 若是你有在考慮搬家,甚至是換個城市,那麼八月會是個找新落腳處的好月,魔魔,會有 不少心生嚮往的選項以及眾多從旁支援等著你。 在本月稍晚,一句遲來的道歉終於趕到,這或許在意料之外,但它仍值得歡迎,並且能為 原本的關係帶來改變。 版權所有c 每日星座運勢。 立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1533139774.A.24F.html
antiasus: 好幾個運勢都說摩摩這個月是桃花月?有點慘的感覺...08/02 00:18
p25488148: 我剛被甩而已... 08/02 00:22
shiratama: 推 08/02 00:39
Gelala: 推 08/02 01:07
ivyclover: 謝謝分享08/02 01:30
irisee: Wow08/02 09:08
zanoxzuke: 第一段看不太懂 08/02 09:19
大概是說成為某人的愛情顧問>被頻繁的諮詢惹毛了>但還是要讓自己保持冷靜並用幽默化 解危機 ※ 編輯: aker0115 (, 08/02/2018 11:29:12
lessfeel: 桃花月是嗎?讓我們拭目以待到底是不是…… 08/02 12:38
ajiss: 真的好希望舊愛回來找我喔,快瘋了 08/02 13:38
KaseifuMita: 應該只有森77是真的,其他都是假的 XD 08/02 22:03
sstt40217: 森77 08/02 22:42
killuaz: 桃花月 不期不待 不受傷害 08/03 08:55
janshih: 已傷痕累累進入八月,心裡缺了一大塊 08/04 22:03
good00609: 舊愛分一年了 也封鎖了 08/05 01:45
zanoxzuke: 呃... 第一段我好像遇到了(=_=;) 08/07 12:29
keeponwalkin: 最近過的超慘,完全沒有任何高興的事 08/08 16:15