精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Something you have been very dedicated to may be the very thing that has been holding you back, Capricorn. This realization may begin to dawn on you in November, and the obligation you feel you owe to something may seem more and more like a burden you wish you did not have to carry. Because of this, you may continue on, even with the knowledge that you could and perhaps should be doing something better for yourself. But you may need to look at it this way as you progress throughout the month: you have done a good thing, and now it's time to move on to do something you need to do for yourself. If you begin that process this month, it will evolve naturally and easily. Also this month, you may find that the perfect timing for a plan you came up with some time ago but did not implement is now. This is a great time to begin launching an idea. The needed resources should be coming to you easily. You may even find that there is someone to guide you along the way. Before the end of the month, a new possibility for work or for involvement in a money-related venture may come to you. Although the prospects for this are bright, you will still need to do the necessary research to be sure you can handle all of the work involved. If so, get your ducks in a row and get started. Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh --- 魔魔,某個你付出相當多的事物可能同時相當用力地扯了你後腿。在這個月你會愈來愈意 識到這件事。你認為你所虧欠,必須為之投注心力的可能漸漸成為你覺得不該承受的負擔 。由於意識到這件事,你在一邊努力時也要謹記著你值得更好的。本月,在你持續進展時 不要忘記:你已經把工作做好了,而現在該是你來為自己做些什麼的時候了。若你能在這 個月就邁開步伐,那麼事情將順其自然又簡單。與此同時,你會找到一個時機點,是用來 執行你過去想到但是苦無機會的計畫。這是個讓想法付諸實際的好時機。你會需要的資源 也將唾手可得。更甚者,你還能找到願意指引你方向的人。在這個月結束以前一個有關新 工作,或是與金錢相關的事會找上你。儘管它們以好的一面出現,你還是要做足功課,確 定自己有足夠能力應對。如果答案是可以的話,便準備好出發。 版權所有c 每日星座運勢。 立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1541335711.A.9BE.html
angel5230: 推!很符合現況! 11/04 22:22
ivyclover: 推 11/04 23:00
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k26880132: 推 11/05 00:30
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