精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/ Overview 整體運勢 Now is a good time to start on a new financial scheme -- legal only, please! You may want to try investing if you haven't yet, or maybe your retirement money needs a new home. You can make things happen! 現在正是開始一項新財務計畫的好時機,當然只有合法的才行唷!如果你還沒 有的話,你可能會想要試著投資看看,或者也許你的退休金需要一個新的地方 來存放。你能讓這一切(的夢想)都成真! --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/love-daily-20130210.html Love 愛情運 You're feeling pretty brainy today -- more so than usual, even. It's a really good time to solve problems and show off your intellect to those who can truly appreciate it. Have fun while you're at it. 你今天感覺腦筋相當靈活,甚至比以往還要更靈活。這真的是個解決問題的好 機會,而且能展現你的才能給那些會真正感謝這一切的人們看。當你處於這狀 態時,盡情享受吧。 Couples 情侶 Yikes -- something about the future for the two of you looks a little tricky at the moment, possibly financial in nature. Approach new schemes with extra caution and keep the lines of communication open. 哎唷~你們倆未來有些情況在目前看起來有點棘手,有可能是財務性質方面的。 格外小心地處理新計畫並且保持彼此間的溝通渠道暢通。 Singles 單身 Your fear concerning a new romantic possibility is understandable. Remember that fear is like a going-out-of-business sale. It's easy for you to buy into, but not all that easy to get a refund! 你對新戀情可能性的擔憂是可以理解的。請謹記那擔憂就像一場跳樓大拍賣 一樣。讓你很容易買進,但不全然那麼容易就能退還的! --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/career-daily-20130210.html Career 工作運 You're working hard, but to what end? You're forgetting the purpose behind it all. Refresh your memory, then fine tune. If you've lost your way, now's a great time to figure out what went wrong and make the adjustments. 你很努力工作,但卻是為了什麼?你已經忘了初衷。重新回憶一下,然後微 調。如果你迷失方向的話,那麼現在就是找出哪裡出了問題並進行調整的絕 佳時刻。 -- 噢...大掃除真的是非常耗體力的工作= =" 阿紫全身腰酸背痛啊>"< (明明就是缺乏運動-.-) 咳...以上不是重點XD 新的農曆年又到了, 阿紫祝福各位在新的水蛇小龍年能蛇舞新春慶祥年^_^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kim03191230:阿紫新年快樂~有什麼新希望嗎? 02/10 00:36
dali510313:新年快樂呀呀呀呀!!!!!!!!! 02/10 00:46
j121416:新年快樂!!魔羯們!!!^^ 02/10 12:06
mazida:大家恭喜發財~阿紫新年快樂阿~ 02/10 18:12