精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/ Overview 整體運勢 Someone spills a moderately big secret early today -- and you find yourself fascinated by what it suggests. Use your big brain to think through the ramifications and come up with a good plan. 有人在今天稍早適時地說出一個大秘密唷,而你發現自己被它所暗示的內容給 震慑住了。用你的大腦徹底想清楚其中的縱橫交錯並想出一個(對應的)好辦法 吧。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/love-daily-20130227.html Love 愛情運 Listen carefully when that one friend -- the quiet one -- tells you what they think you should be doing. Their advice is much smarter than it seems at first -- you should follow it as best you can. 當很安靜的那一個朋友告訴你他們認為你該做什麼的時候,要仔細聽好。他 們的建議可是比它一開始看起來還要聰明許多,你應該盡你所能去聽從這些 建議。 Couples 情侶 Today is a good detail-planning day. Use this opportunity to meticulously outline ways to reach your goals as an individual and a couple. Leave some wiggle room for inevitable unforeseen complications. 今天是個很適合計畫細節的一天。利用這個機會來極其細心地描繪出身 為獨立個體以及一對伴侶達成目標的方法。替無可避免預料之外的困難 留點轉圜的餘地吧。 Singles 單身 When you're grounded like this, the whole world's drawn to your gravitational pull. Your admirers (old and new) or those seeking advice will want to be in your very special sphere now. 當你像這樣被禁足的時候,全世界都被你的引力所吸引。你的仰慕者(新 的和舊的)或那些尋求建議的人如今都將會想待在你那非常特殊的領域中。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/career-daily-20130227.html Career 工作運 You'd love to spend the day running personal errands, but duty calls. You have to pay the bills somehow, right? The sick leave well is running dry, so bite the bullet. 你很喜歡花一整天的時間來忙自己的事,然而責任是跑不掉的。你還是得付那 不知從何而來的帳單,對吧?適當的病假(理由)已經用光哩,所以為了渡過難 關還是努力忍受巨大的痛苦吧。 -- 也太準了吧= =" 今天公司一堆人因為出席率而被唸...噓~阿紫是偷偷上來發的XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Caliry:今天一早的確聽到驚人的消息,好壞不知~ 02/27 13:15
kim03191230:推~~ 02/27 13:39
flylily:推推 02/27 14:07