精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/ Overview 整體運勢 Your softer side is on the surface now, so it's a good time to spend with your sweetie -- or to woo your latest crush! Your energy is seemingly limitless, so find a way to show the right person you care. 你那柔性的一面現在浮現出來了,所以這是花在你另一半身上的好時機,或是 來追求你最後的迷戀對象!你的活力似乎是無止盡的,所以找個方法好好展現 你對心目中的情人有多在乎吧。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/love-daily-20130217.html Love 愛情運 You're showing off more of your talents today -- though some of them are rather surprising to new people! You may even surprise yourself a bit, because you've never tried some maneuvers before. 你今天炫耀了更多的才華,儘管當中的一部分令新的朋友相當訝異!你甚至也 讓自己驚訝了一點,因為你以前不曾嘗試過這些策略。 Couples 情侶 Your conscientiousness will net you a few hundred bonus points from your sweetie when you remember that tiny (but important) detail that they had forgotten. You're feeling better than ever. 當你記得他們已忘記的極小(卻不是重要)的細節時,你的認真盡責會為你從你 的戀人那裡網羅了數百個獎勵點數。你會比以往感到更棒。 Singles 單身 It's a fantastic day for you. You can get an amazing amount done, and the feeling of accomplishment makes you look hotter than ever. You definitely shouldn't forget the fun part, too! 對你來說今天是個很奇妙的一天。你能完成相當驚人數量的事,而且其成就感 讓你比以往看起來更搶眼。你也絕對不應該忘記其有趣的部分! --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/career-daily-20130217.html Career 工作運 Sundays can seem like just another obstacle in your workweek. Don't be overly dedicated. It's only a cover up for avoiding your life. Block out work and spend time communicating with family or friends. 每個星期天在你的工作週中都可視為是另一個阻礙。別太過度奉獻犧牲。這只 是用來逃避自己生活的一個藉口。把工作拋到腦後並花時間跟家人或朋友好好 溝通吧。 -- 假期即將結束,跟阿紫一起來做收心操吧^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pearl0108:要收假了好傷心… 02/17 00:52
mazida:推.一個~ 02/17 21:20