精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/ Overview 整體運勢 You've got issues -- who doesn't? You just need to focus on whatever is closest and feels most important, or you are sure to find yourself mired in the muck in the near future. Tap your practical nature! 你已經有爭議了,誰沒有呢?你只需要專注在任何最密切的事以及感覺最重要 的事上面,或是你很確信發現了自己在不遠的將來會身陷泥沼。選定你實際的 本質吧! --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/love-daily-20130221.html Love 愛情運 It's the perfect day to go crazy at the thrift store -- or maybe on eBay. You can find all sorts of awesome junk, some of which you don't have to buy to appreciate. Life is a museum! 這是個非常適合在二手商店或是拍賣網站上瘋狂的一天。你能找到各種類型的 神奇舊物,有些是你不必買來欣賞的。生命就是一做博物館! Couples 情侶 You've got to acknowledge the issues in front of you, even if your partner is resolutely avoiding them. Be gentle but firm and make sure you're both in this together. 即使你的伴侶毅然決然地躲避它們,你還是要對你面前的問題表示感謝。不 僅要溫柔和善還要堅決穩固並確保你們有共同處在這個情況。 Singles 單身 Change is in the air today, and your romantic consciousness may see this as a very good thing indeed. What if you could transform your heart, your mind, your world? Envision it now and take a great leap forward. 今天變化無所不在,而你的情感意識可能會把這視為一件真地非常好的事情。 若你能的話你會把你的心、你的大腦、你的詞語轉換成什麼?現在想像它一下 並做個很大的跨越式進展吧。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/career-daily-20130221.html Career 工作運 Some people are grumpy when they can't buy the extra paperclips they need, and some when they don't get the bonus they want. Whatever the cause, your colleagues are less adaptable than you thought. 有些人當他們無法買到他們所需要額外的迴紋針時,他們就會性情很乖戾,而 有些人則會在他們無法得到他們想要的獎賞時變得如此。不管是怎樣的原因, 你的同事們比你想像還要來得難以適應。 -- 無法準時發綜論感覺對大家真抱歉>"< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
king1021:謝謝翻譯推 02/21 07:54
pearl0108:感謝推~ 02/21 10:44
mazida:推推.. 02/21 16:20