精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/ Overview 整體運勢 Your creative energy is perfect right now. You can come up with wonderful ideas without wracking your brain, see exactly where furniture should go and have a blast paying with kids. 你那有創造力的能量如今正是完美。你可以不用絞盡腦汁就能想出很驚人 的點子,看看究竟要怎麼擺設傢俱並和孩子們瘋狂玩樂。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/love-daily-20130216.html Love 愛情運 An email -- or maybe even a real live letter -- pops in your box today and gets you all riled up. It's mostly good, even if you can't quite see it that way at first, so try not to go over the top. 今天在你的信箱出現一封電子郵件,又或者是一封實體的書信,使你整個非常 激動。普遍來說收到信很令人高興,既然你不太能在一開始的情況下用這種情 緒狀態來瀏覽這封信,那就盡量不要讓情緒太激動過度。 Couples 情侶 You and your partner need to sweep away the complexities -- at least for today -- and get back to basics. There's no need to worry about the minutiae of your life together, so just get reconnected. 至少今天你和你的伴侶需要掃除錯綜複雜的事物,並回歸到基本的狀態。完全 不需要去擔心你們共同生活中的細節小事,所以就只要再重新開始培養感情。 Singles 單身 Don't keep it to yourself! Your amazing energy -- and also any sweet, romantic thoughts you're having about others -- need to be aired. Let them in on your own fine features, as well as how interested you are! 別私藏起來!你那驚人的活力,以及任何你對其他人的甜美、浪漫想法,都需 要大肆宣揚出來。讓他們知道你的優點,以及你有多麼有趣! --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/career-daily-20130216.html Career 工作運 Make sure you do everything you can to advance your personal agenda today. Don't forget the bottom line, but put yourself first right now. You'll be glad you did. 今天確保你排除萬難將你的個人行程提前。別忘記你的底線,而是現在要把自 己擺在第一位。你會很高興自己這麼做的。 -- 假期快結束了,大家準備好要收心了嗎^^? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kim03191230:推一個~~ 02/16 23:30