精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/ Overview 整體運勢 See if you can shake some of these flaky people who have gravitated toward you lately. You don't have to be rude or cut them out of your life, but you do need to make sure you've got people you can trust. 看看你是否能擺脫一些最近已傾向你的這些瘋癲人士們。你不用變得很粗魯 野蠻或是把他們從你的生活中剔除,但你是真的需要確定你身邊已經有能信 任的人們。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/love-daily-20130220.html Love 愛情運 Conversation is even more important (and fun) than usual right now, and the more people you speak with, the better off you'll be tomorrow. You should be able to pin down at least one big idea. 以目前來說,談話技巧可比以往都還要來得重要(及有趣),你跟愈多人談話, 你明天就會變得愈好。你應該能夠確定至少一個大目標。 Couples 情侶 See if you can find a way to make sure your sweetheart's needs are met today, even if you're not around to help. It won't be as hard as you think, so don't worry about the details. 看看你今天是否能夠找出一個方法來確保你的愛人的需求有被滿足,即使你 不在身邊能提供幫助。這不會像你所想得那麼難,所以別擔心當中的細節處。 Singles 單身 You may need to be meticulous, but your profile (or your message to that hottie) isn't the place to go on too long. Go for short and sweet, hilarious and unique instead of simply listing every single interest or emotion. 你可能需要非常小心翼翼,但你的剖析數據圖表(或是你要給那位辣妹的訊息) 卻不是你要長時間繼續耗費下去的地方。去追求短暫又甜蜜、熱鬧且獨特來取 代簡單地傾聽每一個興趣或情感。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/capricorn/career-daily-20130220.html Career 工作運 With so much going on, the possibilities for having an awesome day are multiplied. That is, of course, if you follow through. If not, you'll be flirting with inertia. 伴隨著發生這麼多的事,你想要有個非常棒的一天的可能性倍增了。如果你 堅持到底的話,那是理所當然(會發生)的囉。如果沒有的話,你會很隨便考慮 (要不要)偷懶。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kim03191230:工作運有準... 02/20 23:54