精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Capricorn horoscope for Aug 31 2016 Surfers get a thrill out of riding a wild wave and gliding on it to the shorel ine. They may not even think about the potential dangers because that would on ly limit and inhibit their ride. Sometimes when you think too much about somet hing, you can't pour yourself into it fully. You may now be involved in someth ing that has some element of risk attached to it. If you have committed to it, Capricorn, then dwelling on the risk will only hold you back. If you're in, y ou have to be in, all the way, and you can't dwell on the possible downfalls. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 衝浪者沖上瘋狂的浪頭得到刺激感,並滑上浪頭抵岸。他們甚至不會去思考可能的危險, 因為那樣會限制並抑制他們的衝浪。有時候當你對某個狀況想得太過,你就無法全心全意 將自己投注其中。現在你或許身處某個情況,而其中包含了某些風險。魔魔,如果你已經 許下承諾,把自己的心思專注在風險上,只會讓你裹足不前。如果你加入了,就必須身處 其中,從頭至尾,而且不能把自己一直卡在可能的失敗上。 -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1472546880.A.BCD.html
peter1981: 推 08/30 16:50
qk33520: 推 08/30 19:41
jwency0105: 我就是個失敗啊))))QQ 08/30 20:20
sktynnic3421: 推,衝啊QQ~~ 08/30 21:26
littlebearQQ: 推 真的好想成功 08/30 23:34
jolly1229: 哇…不能把自己卡在可能失敗上orz 08/31 10:14
raicole: 不要亂開小劇場 衝就對了的意思嗎>_< 08/31 10:39
kartd0087603: 推 08/31 13:22
Gelala: 推 08/31 16:18