精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Capricorn horoscope for Aug 26 2016 You may feel as though you have recently switched roles in a relationship wher e you are usually the practical one. You may now feel more daring and bold, mo re like a risk-taker, while the other person may seem to be uncharacteristical ly cautious and reserved. It's good to explore this new tone because it will g ive each of you the chance to understand the other's perspective and way of lo oking at the world. You will also be able to offer unique insights now on a pa rticular issue that matters a lot to both of you, Capricorn. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 你或許覺得,似乎在某個人際關係裡,最近你已經換了身份,不是原先那個務實的角色了 。現在你或許更加覺得狂野,更敢更像是個去甘冒風險的人,而同時另一人似乎變得反常 地警覺保守。發現這樣的新調性是很好的,因為這樣能給你們彼此瞭解其他面向的機會, 以及看待世界的觀點。魔魔,現在你也能夠在某個特定的事項,提供獨一無二的見解,而 這對你們彼此是很有意義的。 -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my Sony D6653 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1472117625.A.EEC.html
kim03191230: 推~ 08/25 17:50
qk33520: 推 08/25 18:11
vivian536: 準到很可怕 08/25 19:02
cdok: 推! 我真的快爆炸啦! 野獸釋放 08/25 22:56
Gelala: 推 08/26 00:59
he00348244: 覺得自己在改變!推推推 08/26 09:54
hokidog: tks 08/26 09:58
long30214: 推 08/26 10:58
timfan3939: 準,推~ 08/26 12:06
GODSPEED999: 準 到 烤 貝 08/26 17:56
dazzzzi: 準!!!!!!!!喔買尬 08/26 19:32