精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://astrology.shine.yahoo.com/astrology/capricorn/daily-overview Quickie 一秒鐘運勢 Be on the lookout for creative new ways to save and earn money today. 留心能省錢賺錢,富有創意的新方法。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview 整體運勢 You don't demand recognition for your work, but it's not like you reject it, either! It should come your way today, possibly in a way that takes you by surprise and earns you some well-deserved praise. 你不強求他人認同你的付出和作為,但這相對來說,也代表著你並不排斥如此! 今天將會發生這樣的情形,很可能會令你驚喜並贏得一些應有的讚賞與肯定。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://astrology.yahoo.com/astrology/capricorn/daily-career Career & Finance 工作及財運 Applying the extra effort toward making a great impression will pay off big time. Upgrade your work wardrobe and be generous with the eye contact. And while you're at it, don't forget to arm yourself with a pertinent, smart question or two. 付出額外的努力來讓人留下美好印象,往往會在關鍵時刻起作用而值回票價。 升級一下上班工作的衣著,並且瀟灑大方的迎上和別人的眼神交流。 當你做到這些時,別忘了加上一兩個貼切聰明的問題,以資問候。 -- 520 和身旁所愛的家人朋友們,說聲我愛你吧 :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
zerg1228:額外的努力就像今天我沒睡覺在趕工嗎= = 05/20 06:32
JerryChanel:樓上辛苦了 <(_ _)> 05/20 07:03
drusilla:每天看完運勢之後心裡才覺得踏實 :) 05/20 07:28
aquafina:最近因為人禍花了好多錢 所以現在才開始 05/20 09:54
aquafina:要留意省錢方法嗎OTZ 05/20 09:55
DoDc:我愛你們~ 05/20 13:57