精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://astrology.shine.yahoo.com/astrology/capricorn/daily-overview Quickie 一秒鐘運勢 Unexpected terminations have made you nervous, but you are going to be just fine. 事情無預警的中斷令你感到緊張,但一切都會平安順利的。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview 整體運勢 What can you count on, deep down? It's the regular business that should capture your attention today -- any distractions just have to wait. Your energy is actually still building, if you can believe it! 在內心深處,什麼是你可以期望的?今天請把注意力放在常態事務上 -- 其他瑣事和令你分心的事物都必須暫時放在一邊,稍候再處理。 只要你秉持信念,你的能量實際上仍逐步在回升。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://astrology.yahoo.com/astrology/capricorn/daily-career Career & Finance 工作及財運 Differing expectations on the home front have been an enormous source of frustration. Everyone expects something different from you. It's impossible to know what to do when you're getting so many mixed messages. When in doubt, find your own path and follow it. 來自親朋好友各方不同的期許,已是龐大壓力與挫折的來源。 每個人對你都有著一些不同的期望。當你在接收考量這麼多期望訊息的同時, 是不可能知道自己到底該怎麼做的。陷入遲疑的此刻, 慢慢釐清自己所想走的道路並堅持下去吧。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
yenling8118:今天果真都在思考一些內心層面的事情140.135.150.111 05/28 04:05
lookworld:耶!「能量實際上仍逐步在回升」 05/28 11:49
birdna:事情無預警中斷!!好準!! 05/28 16:16