精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://astrology.shine.yahoo.com/astrology/capricorn/daily-overview Quickie 一秒鐘運勢 Your visions for your future require making some significant changes. Start today. 對未來的視野打算,需要做出一些重大改變。今天就開始著手進行吧。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview 整體運勢 Focus on the future instead of the present -- or the past. You need to make plans (big ones, most likely) and then decide what you need in order to follow through on them. Action comes later. 比起過去或現在,此時更該把重心放在未來。你需要擬定一些完整的計劃, 然後決定出你在實行上將會需要用到的東西。實際的行動就等稍後再說吧。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://astrology.yahoo.com/astrology/capricorn/daily-career Career & Finance 工作及財運 That keen perception of yours will illuminate some serious and neglected staffing issues. You know you can't have a team of people pursuing different agendas -- it just doesn't work that way. It's time to sit everyone down and get on the same page ... or else! 敏銳的觀察力將令你發現一些嚴正且被忽略掉的人事問題。 你知道自己不能接受一個團隊裡的成員們,像盤散沙般各自為政 -- 這樣是無法成事的。現在是時候將每個人安置好,並齊心為著同樣的目標去努力。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: JerryChanel 來自: (05/23 03:03)
aquafina:重心放未來 要加油ˊ__ˋ!!! 05/23 05:48
gggggggggggg:真的有很大的改變.... 05/23 16:03
gggggggggggg:這兩天運勢真的好準....T_T 05/23 16:04
windble:重心放未來!改變阿改變....... 05/23 17:51