精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://astrology.shine.yahoo.com/astrology/capricorn/daily-overview Quickie 一秒鐘運勢 It takes a lot of energy to be conscientious, but you have a knack for it today. 秉著道德良心做事是需要很多心力的,但今天你可是掌握了其中的訣竅。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview 整體運勢 Kids are on your mind -- maybe you're in the planning stages, maybe you're visiting with younger relatives or maybe you just need to let go of your grown-up side for a while and get messy. 有關孩子的事正盤旋腦海 -- 可能是你處在計劃生育的階段, 或是拜訪遇見了親戚的孩子,亦或是你自己需要暫時放下大人的一面, 回歸孩子雜亂卻純真的一面,表露出赤子之心。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://astrology.yahoo.com/astrology/capricorn/daily-career Career & Finance 工作及財運 Your leadership will be absolutely vital at some point, regardless of your actual position on the totem pole. Step in and take charge when things look grim -- everyone else seems confused and mired in indecision. You will most definitely save the day. 不論你在職位欄上的真實位階為何,在某些點上,你的領導能力是絕對重要的。 當事物看來嚴峻棘手 -- 其他人都看似困惑而陷於優柔寡斷時, 就挺身而出並為此負責,帶領大家行動吧。你肯定能拯救今天的局勢。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
aquafina:一秒鐘的好準!我今天掌握訣竅沒翹課! 05/03 07:30
gggggggggggg:J大的翻譯真的翻得好好:) 05/03 08:54
lookworld:是英文系出生的嗎? 05/04 07:31
JerryChanel:不是,但當年前三志願有兩個外文系XD" 05/04 07:45