精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://astrology.shine.yahoo.com/astrology/capricorn/daily-overview Quickie 一秒鐘運勢 To get better results with a puzzling person, change your approach. 想從一位令人費解的人身上得到較佳的結果,試著變換不同方式去應對。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview 整體運勢 You make a serious impression on somewhat who really isn't all that impressionable. It's a good day for you to ask yourself who you need to take the next step or to make a difference in the world. 你在一位曾經對你沒有太多印象的人面前,留下了深刻良好的印象。 今天很適合去問問自己,誰是你下一步所需要接觸的人, 或是如何在這世界中有番作為。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://astrology.yahoo.com/astrology/capricorn/daily-career Career & Finance 工作及財運 Consider distinguishing yourself at work by volunteering for a task that's usually outside your duties. You'll gain the gratitude of some unlikely folks. Be sure to take advantage of any opportunity that provides a change of scenery -- you'll meet a few interesting characters. 可考慮自願去做超出職責以外的工作,來增加自身的鑑別度,使自己更為出色。 你將從一些意料之外的人們身上獲得感激之意。盡力抓住任何能改變現況的機會 -- 你將會遇見一些有趣的角色人物。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
allosteric:頭推 05/21 02:46