精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://shine.yahoo.com/astrology/capricorn/daily-overview Quickie 一秒鐘運勢 If you are going to be near children today, you will feed off their silly energy. 若你今天打算親近小孩,那你將會從他們呆呆蠢蠢的活力中獲得能量。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview 整體運勢 You need to deal with a problem using creative means -- the same old answers just can't work this time out! You may have to ask for assistance from someone who'd ordinarily say no. 你需要用創意的手法來處理一個問題 -- 但同樣的老答案這回卻不管用。 你可能必須請求某個老是說不的人的幫忙。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- http://shine.yahoo.com/astrology/capricorn/daily-career Career & Finance 工作及財運 Your charm cements new friendships and alliances, especially when you're engaging someone in conversation. Seek opportunities for collaboration and cost sharing because you have the wiles to win new partnerships with glee. 你的魅力黏緊了新的友誼和同盟關係,特別是當你正忙於和某人的談話。 去尋找合作和分攤花費的機會吧,因為你有巧計去開心地贏得新的夥伴關係。 -- livestone大與阿紫,感謝大家的支持。 -- ─手語專欄─ 先祝福1/3的魔魔們生日快樂^^ 將右手握拳後伸出大拇指、食指和中指 將大拇指尖停在鼻尖上,剩餘二指微微晃動 這就是"灰色",而這手語同樣也是指"老鼠" 因為以前的"老鼠"多半是田鼠,身上的毛色是"灰色"的 大家好像對顏色系列不怎感興趣吼0.0? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
vkw0450:吱吱吱...期末考週 哪裡找呆呆小鬼?? 01/02 20:53
blueskydoor:啦啦啦 耶耶耶 生日可是要考試>"< 01/02 22:09
bukuoo:哈哈哈 期末考週配灰色剛剛好 :))) 01/02 22:24
elefox:吼吼吼 生日剛好三天連假完要上班了@@ 01/02 22:49
sch1230:感謝分享 01/03 00:29
welf: 唷呼~ 01/03 00:47