精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
雖然知道用這個id發文八成不會有什麼好下場,但是我還是跳出來了XDD 至於為什麼這麼說,因為我接下來要講的這個故事就是從本板開始的 如果有人還有印象的話,一段時間前我曾在這個板發過文,為了一個我很喜歡的女, 不過,那都已經是過去式了,隨著那一段旋律結束在無盡的雨中,雖然那時的文章早已 不再存在 days of joy, days of sadness slowly pass me by as i try to hold u, u r vanishing before me u r just an illusion when i awaken, my tears have dried in the sand of sleep i am a rose blooming in the desert it's a dream, i'm in love with u but how could i feel u, how should i love u without u... even though i can't see u anymore u'r memory will live in my heart forever as well as love does so i won't say… good bye, even though u leaved without anything just like u never say goodbye 不過,同時要道別的,還有們記憶中最早的那個片段,一個讓我們守候的女孩,無巧 不巧的也是個魔女 那天的曲子,其實就是為了們而演奏的 不過,很可惜的是沒有達到一開始的目的,大概也沒能傳到妳們的身邊吧 everything had been washed away by the tide of time, even u but the scars of memory never fade away for the music r exist for listening, so my piano was playing for u but i'll keep playing, nevertheless u r in where i couldn't reach 我會記著妳們 但不會再想起 再見了,2008 -- 我… 已經不知道該說什麼才好了…… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) 魔板 ◆ From: 這樣算偷渡嗎XD?喵? ※ 編輯: porcupine 來自: (12/30 00:42)