精華區beta Catholic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
今天聽朋友說的故事 美國一個脫口秀 叫歐普拉 她十月的時候 給現場的來賓每個人三萬多元台幣(US $1000) 希望他們把錢捐給他們覺得有需要的地方 因為她覺得她能給現場的來賓最好的禮物就是 give back (what she calls "truly the best gift"…the gift of giving back.) 這是其中之一的故事 Minne 是現場來賓之一 想到John 他是他家裡唯一的經濟來源 腦部受傷不能工作 Minne 就把US $1000給他 她還多做一些 她找了她的朋友們跟整個社區一起募款 後來總共募了兩百多萬台幣 (US $70000) 這些錢幫了John 買日用品 又付了醫藥費 還可以幫他小孩付大學學費 感想 上次避靜 神父說的 喜樂 就是幫了別人 然後看到別人也很高興 有時 當我們有需要的時候 有人幫忙 我們會覺得好像有天使在幫忙 其實說不一定真的就是天使在幫忙 底下是故事的英文 最後有歐普拉對我們可以做的事情的建議 http://www.oprah.com/presents/2006/pay/challenge/challenge_201.jhtml In October 2006, Oprah gave more than 300 audience members the opportunity to experience what she calls "truly the best gift"…the gift of giving back. During Oprah's favorite giveaway ever, each person in the audience received $1,000 to donate to a charitable cause of their choice. With only one week to fulfill the challenge, these amazing men and women hit the ground running. Armed with Bank of America debit cards and Sony DVD Handycams, which they used to document their good deeds, the audience members started making headlines from Connecticut to California. What began as a simple idea quickly snowballed into a national movement! For seven days, kindness swept the nation and Americans "passed it on" to perfect strangers, people in need and even a few four-legged friends. "We hope what started right here in our studios has only just begun," Oprah says. http://www.oprah.com/presents/2006/pay/challenge/challenge_202.jhtml John, the sole provider for his family, has a neurological disease that causes part of his brain to soften. "He is really disabled at this point," Minnie says. "I wanted to be able to help them. I know that this [money] will be put to good use." Determined to make a difference, Minnie enlisted the help of friends and strangers, who were anxious to get in on the giving game. Her community opened their hearts, and in just three days, Minnie's $1,000 multiplied. With the help of the entire town, Minnie raised more than $70,000 for the Newcomb family! The money will help buy groceries for the family, pay off John's mounting hospital bills and send his oldest son to college http://www.oprah.com/presents/2006/pay/involved/involved_ideas.jhtml Ideas to Get You Started Use these ideas to inspire you as you brainstorm ways to Pay It Forward. Remember, every little bit helps, so whether you buy someone lunch or buy them a car, you are changing lives! $0 - $25 It's amazing what a few dollars can do. These ideas won't weigh on your wallet, but will make a huge difference for someone else. ‧ Anonymously pay for gas for strangers ‧ Buy lunch for a homeless person ‧ Randomly give away a prepaid transit card for a couple of trips on a bus or train ‧ Volunteer—it costs nothing but means a lot. ‧ Buy flowers to cheer up a co-worker ‧ Write letters to troops serving in Iraq ‧ Clean up a neighborhood park ‧ Buy a board game for a local children's hospital http://www.oprah.com/presents/2006/pay/pay_main.jhtml -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: