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謝謝您翻譯外電的熱心和辛苦, 幫忙修正一些錯處,可能只是因為在短時間必須翻譯出來的小錯, 請勿見怪! ※ 引述《willams1 (請大家投票給黃龍義搶救넩》之銘言: : Pope: Conversion by violence not of God : 溝通應該要藉由祂,而非暴力 : POSTED: 2254 GMT (0654 HKT), September 12, 2006 : ALTOETTING, Germany (AP) -- : Pope Benedict XVI said Tuesday that Islamic holy war was against God's nature : and invited Muslims to join in a peaceful cultural dialogue. : 教宗本篤16世在星期二講到伊斯蘭宗教關於的「聖戰」概念,是違反祂的旨意,且邀 : 請伊斯蘭宗教來參與和平的對話。              ~~~~~ 違反天主的本質 : In a speech at Regensburg University, Benedict made an unusual reference to : jihad, or holy war -- a concept used by today's Islamic extremists to justify : suicide bombings and other attacks. : 在Regensburg大學的演講中,教宗對於回教討伐異教徒或聖戰的概念,做了特別的回 : 應,此概念在今日被「極端」伊斯蘭份子譴責和其他的攻擊。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 引述了一段不尋常的話 : Benedict's address was about faith and reason, and how they cannot be separated : and are essential for "that genuine dialogue of cultures and religions so : urgently needed today." : 教宗的演說是有關於信仰和理性,以及表示兩者是不可分離的,另外文化及宗教間真 : 誠的對話是極為重要的,在當代社會也是迫切需要的。 教宗的演說中表示信仰與理性(理智)不可分離,並且兩者對「當代迫切需要的, 文化與宗教間的真誠對話」,具有同樣的重要性。 : Citing historic Christian commentary on holy war and forced conversion, the : 79-year-old pontiff quoted from a 14th-century Byzantine emperor, Manuel II : Paleologos. : 79歲的教宗引用14世紀Byzantine皇帝Manuel II Paleologos的話, 表示歷史上基督 : 宗教在關於聖戰及藉由暴力對話的行為方面的看法。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 藉由暴力使人皈依信仰 : "The emperor comes to speak about the issue of jihad, holy war," the pope said. : "He said, I quote, 'Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there : you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by : the sword the faith he preached.' " : 教宗引用:Manuel II Paleologos對於伊斯蘭在討伐異教徒和聖戰的議題上的看法, : :「對我而言,Mohammed的觀念是不同的,而且你將會發現裡面只有邪惡和殘忍,就 : 像藉由武力來傳播信仰。」 教宗(在演說時)說:「這位皇帝談到聖戰時,我在這裡引述他說的:『告訴我,Mohammed 帶來了什麼新的(思想),你會看到那裡面只有邪惡和殘忍,像是用武力來傳播信仰。』」 : Clearly aware of the sensitivity of the issue, Benedict added, "I quote," twice : before pronouncing the phrases on Islam and described them as "brusque," while : neither explicitly agreeing with nor repudiating them. : 清楚明白此議題的敏感性,教宗藉由兩次「引用」的話語,直率的表示對於伊斯蘭的 : 看法,然而並沒有清楚的認同或拒絕之意。 教宗顯然意識到此議題的敏感,兩次在提到這段話之前說道:「我在這裡引述..」 並且形容這段話「說得唐突」(brusque),但這並未清楚的表示認同或拒絕之意。 : "The emperor goes on to explain in detail the reasons why spreading the faith : through violence is something unreasonable," Benedict said. : 教宗說:「Manuel II Paleologos詳細的解釋為何在一些非理性的情況下需透過暴力 : 來傳播信仰。」 教宗說「接著皇帝詳細解釋為何以暴力傳播信仰是違反理性(智)的。」 : "Violence is incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul," : the pope said, issuing an open invitation to dialogue among cultures. : 「暴力與祂的本質和靈魂的本質是不一致的。」教宗說,也公開邀請在文化的基礎上 : 進行對話。 : The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said the pope was not giving : an interpretation of Islam as "something violent," although he said the : religion contains both violent and nonviolent strains. : 羅馬教會發言人Rev. Federico Lombardi表示,教宗並沒有將伊斯蘭與暴力畫上等號 : 。雖然教宗的說法引起了暴力和非暴力之間的爭議。   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 雖然他說這個宗教(指伊斯蘭)本身就有暴力與非暴力兩派。 : Benedict did not touch directly on the current controversy over Islamic : extremism, although it is an issue he follows with concern. Last year in : Cologne, Germany, he urged Islamic leaders to take responsibility for their : communities and teach their young to abhor violence. : 教宗並未直接碰觸伊斯蘭在當代極端主義,雖然此議題也是他所關心的,去年在德國 : 的科隆,他強烈的表達希望伊斯蘭的領導者可以為他們的團體和教導年輕人拒絕暴力 : 的觀念來負起責任。 : Last week, he told a gathering of Christian, Muslim and Jewish representatives : in Italy that no one can "use the motive of religious difference as a reason : or pretext for bellicose behavior toward other human beings." : 上個禮拜,教宗告訴聚會中的教友,在義大利的伊斯蘭和猶太族群負責人,沒有一個 : 人可以「因為信仰不同為動機和藉口來合理化戰爭的行為。」 : Benedict will make his first visit to a Muslim country in November, when he is : scheduled to travel to Turkey. : 教宗將十一月第一次訪問回教國家,土耳其。 : Gerlinde Axmann, a 40-year-old social worker, watched Tuesday's speech on one : of the large screens set up in a square near the cathedral. : Gerlinde Axmann,40歲的社會工作者,是在教堂附近透過大螢幕看星期二的演說的人 : 之一。 : "That was a very important start to dialogue with Muslims amid the terrorist : threat," she said, calling Benedict's appeal to reason "a building block toward : finding a way to argue with each other without using weapons." : 「對於回教恐怖主義者而言,這是一個非常重要對話時刻的開始。」她說。教宗表現出 : 理性,想要排除建立使用武力為溝通方式的基礎。 「在恐怖份子的威脅下,此時與穆斯林展開對話非常重要。」她認為,教宗強調 隨從理性,乃是「建立非暴力溝通的基礎」。 : "I think it's very important for him to bring these things up in society," she : said. "Muslims aren't going to take us seriously until we become conscious of : our own values. For example, they take the pope much more seriously than : others in the West." : 「我想教宗所在社會培育的這些想法對於社會是重要的。」她說。「回教將不能意識到 : 我們的價值觀。例如,相對於西方世界其他的看法,他們過度解讀教宗的話。」  「我認為教宗把這些議題公開來談非常重要,」她說。「除非我們真正意識到自身 價值觀的重要,否則回教徒不會把我們當一回事。就像這次,他們把教宗的 話看得比其他人要重得多。」 : http://edition.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/europe/09/12/pope.bavaria.ap/index.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
willams1:謝謝^^ 09/19 15:59