精華區beta Catholic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Pope, Restating 2000 Document, Cites 'Defects' of Other Faiths http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/11/world/europe/11pope.html?_r=1&oref=slogin … The document released Tuesday focused largely on the Vatican definition of what constitutes a church, which it defined as being traceable through its bishops to Christ's original apostles. Thus, it said, the world's Orthodox Christians make up a church because of shared history, if "separated" from the "proper" Catholic tradition, while Protestants split from Catholicism during the Reformation are considered only "Christian communities." The document repeated church teaching that the Roman Catholic Church alone is the mediator of salvation, though other beliefs can be its "instrument." "These separated churches and communities, though we believe they suffer from defects, are deprived neither of significance nor importance in the mystery of salvation," the document read. "In fact the Spirit of Christ has not refrained from using them as instruments of salvation, whose value derives from that fullness of grace and of truth which has been entrusted to the Catholic Church." … 底下跟前面沒關 最近天主教裡是有在討論梵二 大概是前幾年的時候 出了一本講梵二開會的情形的書 說 在全球的主教要開梵二會議的時候 其實梵蒂岡的人 已經草擬了一些憲章 可能比較保守 遭到全球主教們的否決 後來才有拉內神父 這些人草擬 現在我們看到的梵二的文件 後來就通過了 一般是說這是天主教現代化的重要會議 前一陣子 梵蒂岡講那本書說的有些不是事實 還進一步的說 梵二前後的天主教是沒有變的 天主教是持續的 然後 一個耶穌會士 在演講的時候 就反駁說 天主教怎麼可能是沒有變的 梵二前的彌撒 都是拉丁文 現在的彌撒 跟那時完全不一樣 一個明眼人都看的出來 教會有變 怎麼可能沒有變 沒想到 我們教宗就說要恢復拉丁彌撒了 現在 又要說別的基督教是有點缺陷的 "These separated churches and communities, though we believe they suffer from defects, are deprived neither of significance nor importance in the mystery of salvation," the document read. 其實 基要主義是比較有市場的 說別人是不好的 不對的 自己是最好的 最棒的 是比較受歡迎的 如果說天主教很好 別的宗教也不錯 好像比較沒有吸引力 前一陣子的熱門話題 就是 拉丁美洲的天主教徒 從90% 降到66% 有些人就說是因為梵二後 太自由了 不一定要信天主教 所以天主教徒就不進教堂了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: