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※ 引述《Ivangelion (我是妳的)》之銘言: : 關於這主題,我有疑問耶.... : 請問 gay 狗是怎麼來的?有可能不是天生的嗎? 我查到資料重點如下: 0.討論動物同性戀的背景  a.無法證明同性戀是基因造成,或是天生的  b.無法證明同性戀是無法改變的  故轉而討論”動物同性戀” 1.”動物的同性戀現象”有機會發生,並不是”常態動物會有的行為” (動物有可能”吃自己的同類”,”吃自己的幼兒”,這些現象雖會發生,卻不是常態) 2.”動物的同性戀現象”不如”動物持續的異性戀關係”那麼持久且有固定的對象,  ”動物的似同性戀性行為”並不能等效於”動物有持續的同性戀關係。” 3. ”常態自然現象中,有同性戀性傾向與同性性性伴侶的動物”是不存在的 : 如果他們是天生的,那這是「天主所喜悅的事」還是「天主不喜悅的任憑」? : 如果他們不是天生的,那要不要也想辦法把牠們喬成不是 gay 狗? 我查到的這篇資料認為”動物同性戀現象不是正常動物常態現象”, 看來應該算是”天主不喜悅的任憑”。 這篇資料認為,目前為止並無法證明”動物的同性戀是基因造成的,或是天生的” http://www.narth.com/docs/animalmyth.html Animal "Filicide" and "Cannibalism" Sarah Hartwell explains that tomcats kill their kittens after receiving "mixed signals" from their instincts: Most female cats can switch between "play mode" and "hunt mode" in order not to harm their offspring. In tomcats this switching off of "hunt mode" may be incomplete and, when they become highly aroused through play, the "hunting" instinct comes into force and they may kill the kittens. The hunting instinct is so strong, and so hard to switch off when prey is present, that dismemberment and even eating of the kitten may ensue.... Compare the size, sound and activity of kittens with the size, sound and activity of prey. They are both small, have high-pitched voices and move with fast, erratic movements. All of these trigger hunting behavior. In the tomcat, maternal behavior cannot always override hunting behavior and he treats the kittens in exactly the same way he would treat small prey. His instincts are confused.[5] Regarding animal cannibalism, the Iran Nature and Wildlife Magazine notes: Cannibalism is most common among lower vertebrates and invertebrates, often due to a predatory animal mistaking one of its own kind for prey. But it also occurs among birds and mammals, especially when food is scarce.[6] "Homosexual" Animals Do Not Exist In 1996, homosexual scientist Simon LeVay admitted that the evidence pointed to isolated acts, not to homosexuality: Although homosexual behavior is very common in the animal world, it seems to be very uncommon that individual animals have a long-lasting predisposition to engage in such behavior to the exclusion of heterosexual activities. Thus, a homosexual orientation, if one can speak of such thing in animals, seems to be a rarity.[11] Despite the "homosexual" appearances of some animal behavior, this behavior does not stem from a "homosexual" instinct that is part of animal nature. Dr. Antonio Pardo, Professor of Bioethics at the University of Navarre, Spain, explains: Properly speaking, homosexuality does not exist among animals.... For reasons of survival, the reproductive instinct among animals is always directed towards an individual of the opposite sex. Therefore, an animal can never be homosexual as such. Nevertheless, the interaction of other instincts (particularly dominance) can result in behavior that appears to be homosexual. Such behavior cannot be equated with an animal homosexuality. All it means is that animal sexual behavior encompasses aspects beyond that of reproduction.[12] [11] LeVay, p. 207. [12] Antonio Pardo, "Aspectos m嶮icos de la homosexualidad," Nuestro Tiempo, Jul.-Aug. 1995, pp. 82-89. [13] "Exploding the Myth of Constitutional Homosexuality," National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, www.leaderu.com/orgs/narth/exploding.html. (Our emphasis.) In its effort to present homosexuality as normal, the homosexual movement[1] turned to science in an attempt to prove three major premises: Homosexuality is genetic or innate; Homosexuality is irreversible; Since animals engage in same-sex sexual behavior, homosexuality is natural. Keenly aware of its inability to prove the first two premises,[2] the homosexual movement pins its hopes on the third, animal homosexuality.[3] -- 上月球!月球是中國人吳剛不可分割的一部分 抓嫦娥!此女意圖分裂中國領土脫離中國掌握 殺玉兔!玉兔為資產階級之玩物!日帝之玩偶! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (06/10 16:15) ※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (06/10 16:19)
ChrisL:我覺得這資料沒有幫助討論 還有些生物性徵會改變... XD 06/10 16:17
※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (06/10 16:19) ※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (06/10 16:21) ※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (06/10 16:21) ※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (06/10 16:21)
Geigemachen:即使有,不代表"常態";有行為,不代表"持續同性戀關係" 06/10 16:22
Geigemachen:名詞定義與觀念要釐清,才能進行有效討論 06/10 16:23
※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (06/10 16:26) ※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (06/10 16:51) ※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (06/10 16:51) ※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (06/10 16:51)
Naturalist:呵呵 你拿一個專門研究"治療"同性戀的組織網站來當連結 06/11 03:44
Naturalist:還不如直接連到"出走埃及"算了..... 06/11 03:49
Geigemachen:您要不要評論其中動物學家言論的學術可信度 06/11 03:57
Naturalist:您要不要說果蠅同性戀也是"心理因素"?......orz 06/11 04:03
Geigemachen:那篇說多巴胺過多增加同性戀傾向但是不減少異性戀傾向 06/11 04:07
Naturalist:所以勒? 同性戀只是"心理因素"嗎? 06/11 04:13
Geigemachen:另一篇回文"內分泌也有非生理因素成的可能" 06/11 06:34
Naturalist:所以勒? 同性戀只是"心理因素"嗎? 06/11 16:45
※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (06/12 02:45)