精華區beta Catholic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://thepope.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/04/21/a-surge-of-the-heart/ A Surge of the Heart By FATHER JAMES MARTIN Yesterday, during the Papal Mass at Yankee Stadium, I experienced two brief moments that I hope I never forget. Or, as Psalm 137 says, “Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I should forget you!” The first came when Pope Benedict XVI, riding in his “popemobile” entered the stadium. Yes, I’ve been to baseball, football and basketball games and have heard the cheers at a last-minute home run, touchdown or basket; I’ve heard ovations at the theater, the opera, and rock concerts; and I’ve have even received some applause for lectures and talks of my own. But I’ve never heard something that could be fairly described as an explosion of communal affection. When the assembled 60,000 people in that stadium first caught sight of the pope, they erupted in a cheer that pierced my heart. 我去看過 棒球 美式足球 籃球 聽過逆轉勝的投籃 全壘打 達陣的歡呼聲 也聽過表演 歌劇 演唱會的熱烈鼓掌 可是沒有一次像教宗這次出現在洋基球場時 大家的歡呼 這個聲音 穿透到我的心裡 ….. When the popemobile drew within 20 yards, I removed my microphone and told the two (welcoming and warm) anchors that I couldn’t cover this part of the event because I wanted to experience it. The popemobile moved toward our spot, and when it passed directly in front of us, Pope Benedict looked at us, or at least seemed to, and raised his hand in blessing. And Cardinal Edward Egan pointed at me, smiled and waved. And out of me came a loud cry of joy! 當教宗像我的方向揮手跟祝福的時候 我留下喜悅的淚水 I had felt hoarse all day, until that moment. Somehow I had found my voice! 我整天覺得我的喉嚨啞了 somehow我又可以說話了 At that moment, I felt a tremendous sense of gratitude. For what? For being a part of a worldwide church. For being a part of a community of believers. For being part of the communion of saints. And also, for being able to see that while some of my old disagreements with the former Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger are not unreasonable, that he is the Vicar of Christ, and is, for this poor and flawed Catholic, and for all Catholics, the Successor of St. Peter. So this “man of faults,” as he called himself last week, connects me with the apostles, and so connects me with Jesus Christ. 在那個時刻 我覺得非常感恩 因為 我是普世教會的一份子 是追求信仰的人中的一個 也是歷代聖人的共融中的一部分 我也看到之前的Ratzinger樞機 成為基督的代理 為了窮人和會犯錯的天主教 為所有的天主教徒 成為伯多祿的繼承人 他這個自稱會犯錯的人 使我和宗徒有了聯繫 跟基督有了關係 The church is like a family. It drives you crazy sometimes, but you still love it. Not grudgingly, but fully and unreservedly. As well, you may drive everyone else in it crazy, and you will still be a part of them. Not grudgingly, but fully and unreservedly. It will always be flawed, and so will you. It will always be a part of you, and you will always be a part of it. Moreover, I have committed myself to this imperfect and beautiful, traditional and progressive, confusing and clarifying, bizarre and familiar, graceful and sinful community for the rest of my life. 教會像一個家庭 他有時逼得你要發瘋了 可是你還是愛他 不是勉強的,是完全無保留的 同樣的 你也會把別人逼瘋 可是你還是他們的一份子 不是勉強的,是完全無保留的 教會是會錯的 就像你也是會錯的一樣 教會是你的一部分 就像你也是教會的一部分一樣 我也會為這個 不完善和美麗的,傳統的和進步的, 困惑的和清楚的,怪誕的和熟悉的,典雅的跟有罪的教會 繼續奉獻我的生命 So for being Catholic I cry out, just like I cried out at Yankee Stadium yesterday afternoon, under the bright sun, along with 60,000 of my brothers and sisters in Christ. With joy! 我要大聲說出來我是天主教徒 就跟昨天下午 我在洋基球場 跟著我在基督內六萬個兄弟姊妹一起 大聲叫一樣 是充滿喜悅的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: