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http://www.uscatholic.org/print/666 Cafeteria Catholics By U.S. Catholic Created 07/29/2008 - 13:56 On vacation last summer, I quietly joined a small country parish for Sunday Eucharist. Relieved at not having to preside at two or three liturgies, I settled among the worshipers, looking forward to listening, singing, and praying. Trying not to look directly at the priest for fear he would think I was staring, I concentrated on being among God's people, not leading them. 去年夏天的度假,我悄悄地加入了一個小堂,為週日聖體聖事。 紓緩在不必主持兩個或三個彌撒, 我在天主的人民中,而不是領導他們。 Everything went fine for a while. The music was delightful, the lectors read well, and the priest seemed comfortable in his role. Then he began to preach about "cafeteria Catholics," people who pick and choose what and how they will believe-as they do in cafeteria lines. He suggested real Catholics take it all. They listen to the pope and bishops with the same reverence children offer their parents and accept Rome's authority as binding in matters great and small. 音樂是愉快的,讀經也讀的好,神父似乎在他的角色很舒適。 然後,他開始講“自助餐式的天主教徒, ” 人挑選如何相信-因為他們在自助餐的路線。 他建議,真正的天主教徒採取的一切。 他們聆聽教宗和主教們具有相同的崇敬兒童提供他們的父母和接受羅馬的權威, 作為具有約束力的大事和小事 I listened closely for a while, then my mind and spirit began to drift. Hasn't the church consistently encouraged Catholics to recognize a hierarchy of truths, challenging us to differentiate between foundational gospel values like service among the poor from a less important teaching like the existence of limbo? By this time, it was getting hot in that little church, and I wanted to be back in my boat fishing. 沒有教會一貫鼓勵天主教徒承認的不同等級真理, 就像我們區分的基礎福音價值觀一樣, 服務窮人是重要的教導 煉獄是否存在 是比較不重要的教導 But the priest wouldn't quit. I kept telling myself that he was having a bad day. All of us do. Smiling I began to think about the times I was preaching and simply couldn't find a way to end, even though I tried several times. Then, he said it again: "Cafeteria Catholics, unless they are willing to submit to church authority blindly, have no place in the church." Using my 12-step spirituality, I repeated a familiar axiom to myself: take what you like and leave the rest. 我不斷告訴自己,他有一個糟糕的一天。我們大家都這樣做。 Oh my God, I thought, he's talking about me.Taking what I like and leaving the rest makes me a cafeteria Catholic. Unable to listen any longer, especially to what sounded like an angry and harsh tone, I was doing exactly what he was railing against: picking and choosing what I liked and shutting out the rest. But doesn't everyone do this, I asked myself? Don't Catholics everywhere have a right to resist abuse in all forms, even when it comes from the pulpit? Shouldn't people stop listening to me when I get pompous and judgmental as a presider or a preacher? Without realizing it, I was getting defensive, wondering whether I should introduce myself after Mass and ask the presider whether I had heard him right, offering him an opportunity to go beyond what I thought he said. Thank God, I came to my senses. You're on vacation, I told myself. Calm down, pray, and do what Catholics everywhere do with increasing regularity: listen politely, and go home. Still, as I stepped into my little boat and rowed myself onto the lake where I hoped to catch a giant bass, the need to defend cafeteria Catholics wouldn't go away 我覺得我需要為自助餐式的天主教友辯護 Now I know that cafeterias get very little respect among sophisticated gourmets. Although they sometimes eat in them because they're rushed, they don't want to dignify them by calling them restaurants. One step up from fast-food joints, cafeterias usually have a long line of vegetables, meats, and salads-none of which seem very appealing. Cafeterias do have a dark side, I have to admit. At the same time, although often very big and poorly decorated, cafeterias welcome everyone, charge very little for their food, and provide a safe place for people to rest and conversation. The poor, the elderly, the homeless, even large families with small children, all know they can gather there without fear of being evicted. Sounds a lot like many good parishes I know! 自助餐廳歡迎大家,收費很少,為他們的食物,並提供一個安全的地方,為人們休息和交 談。窮人,老人,無家可歸者,甚至大型的家庭小兒童,都知道他們可以聚集在那裡不用 擔心被驅逐。聽起來像很多很好的教堂 Perhaps even more important, it seems to me that the church has been like a cafeteria for 2,000 years. Haven't we always at our best, appreciated our differences without expecting everyone to be the same? We honor Eastern Rite Catholics, whose liturgy and language are so different from ours, and Japanese Catholics, who enter their churches shoeless. We welcome peoples of every culture, race, and political affiliation, and we are even beginning to understand that the sacred stories of the poor are a privileged source of hope and help us understand the Christ who "had no place to lay his head." 教會一直就像一個自助餐廳,為2000年。我們不是一直在我們的最好的,感謝我們的分歧 ,沒有期待大家是相同的?我們的東正教禮的天主教徒,他們的禮儀和語言,使我們的不 同,和日本的天主教徒,誰進入他們的教會要脫鞋 。我們歡迎人民的每一種文化,種族 和政治派別,我們甚至開始明白,神聖的故事,窮人是一個享有特權的希望的源泉和幫助 我們了解基督 We also reverence bishops who tell us that capital punishment is always unjust and a pope who leaves open the door to taking another's life only in very extraordinary circumstances. We acknowledge that some people like me are called to follow the poor Christ as Franciscans, and others are supposed to build Benedictine monasteries. In other words, we implicitly admit that our goal is not uniformity of belief and practice but unity of faith. 我們也崇敬主教誰告訴我們,死刑始終是不公正 和教宗也為死刑 在非常特殊的情況 同意可以 我們承認,一些像我這樣的人 是所謂的遵循窮人基督 的方濟會士, 和其他人是為了建立本篤會修道院。 在其他換句話說,我們含蓄地承認,我們的目標不是統一的信念和實踐,而是團結的信念 。 At our best, we stand in awe at the doors of our churches contemplating our incredible diversity, never expecting to understand or fully appreciate all the people with whom we gather. And because we recognize the complexity of all our lives, we are grateful to share faith and worship with one another despite the realization that we will have differences of opinions about many significant religious matters. More important, our collective humanity never tries to reduce the mystery of our shared faith to rigid formulas but celebrates the wonder of our unity in the midst of our differences. 我們難以置信的多樣性,從來沒有期待理解或完全理解的全體人民。因為我們認識到我們 生活的複雜性,我們非常感謝跟別人分享信仰和崇拜,我們在許多重大的宗教事務 有分 歧的意見。更重要的是,我們的集體人類從來沒有嘗試以僵化的公式 減少我們共同的信 念之謎,而是慶祝在我們的分歧中 我們仍能團結,。 Even a cursory glance through history reminds us that Catholics have always had a cafeteria mentality. We have been fighting like cats and dogs about our differences for centuries, from the meaning of the Incarnation to women's ordination and how Christ is present in the Eucharist. 即使粗略一瞥,通過歷史提醒我們,天主教徒始終有一個自助餐廳的心態,數百年來,從 意義的化身,到女性司鐸,以及如何基督是目前在聖體聖事。 Despite these sometimes violent struggles about which we often fail to reach full understanding or agreement, we continue to call one another, brother and sister, Catholics. 儘管有這些,我們往往不能達到充分理解或協議,我們繼續稱彼此為兄弟姊妹,天主教徒 。 Last year I was giving a talk at a religious education conference and learned this lesson first hand. Hoping to help catechists understand and appreciate the power and value of our sacred symbols, I asked people what they thought the important gestures of our eucharistic celebration were. One woman eagerly waved her hand. Before I could even recognize her, she blurted out: "When the priest raises the host for our adoration." "Thanks," I said, "A good answer. Someone else?" "When we open our hands to receive the host," another participant suggested. "Right," I said, "anyone else?" hoping that someone would mention the fractioning or breaking of the bread, a gesture that helps us remember that Christ broke his life for us as food and asks us to do the same for one another. 去年,我有一個演講,是在一個宗教教育工作會議。希望幫助catechists理解和欣賞的權 力和價值,我們神聖的符號,我問是什麼人,他們認為彌撒中最重要的時刻。一名女子急 切地揮舞著她的手。她脫口而出: “當神父把聖體局起來的時候” 。 “感謝, ”我說 : “一個很好的答案。別人” ? “當我們打開我們的手領聖體” ,另一位與會者則建 議。 “是的”我說: “其他人” ?希望有人會提及分餅的時候,幫助我們記得,基督 打破了他的生命,為我們作為食物,並要求我們這樣做,同時為一。 Instead of an answer, someone almost shouted a question. "Do you believe in transubstantiation?" Hesitating for a moment, I responded, "That's a very difficult question. Perhaps we could talk about it after the workshop." 而不是這一個答案,幾乎有人高喊一個問題。 “你同不同意變體說” ?此時此刻,我的 回應, “這是一個非常棘手的問題。或許我們可以談論它講習班結束後” 。 The response was swift. The Catechism believes in transubstantiation. I knew I was trapped. How could I explain, without upsetting the questioner even more, that Catholics believe in the Real Presence of Christ and that transubstantiation is the way theologians have often explained the Real Presence. Flustered now, I suggested again that we needed to speak about the question after the conference. 我知道我被這個問題困住了。我怎可解釋,而不擾亂發問者, 天主教徒相信,基督在現實的存在, 變體說是這樣的神學家解釋真正的存在。 我再次提議會議結束後在討論這個問題。 Then a teenager rescued me. "I'm lost" she said. "I'm not sure it's important, but what's transubstantiation?" Everyone laughed except the person who wanted me to believe in transubstantiation. The young girl's question reminded everyone that we really are diverse. Not only did she not know what transubstantiation was, our further conversation demonstrated that she really didn't care. 然後一名少女救出了我。 她說。 “我不知道它的重要,但什麼是變體說” ? 大家都笑了,除了問我變體說的那個人, 這名少女的問題,提醒大家,我們真的是多種多樣的。 她不知道什麼陷於變體說,我們的談話,進一步表明,她真的不關心 是不是變體。 "I know we receive Jesus when we celebrate the Eucharist," she said, "and as long as the children preparing for First Communion know that, I'm happy." Somehow she knew that whether she explained Christ's presence using the notion of transubstantiation or some other explanation, the key to belief was not theological insight but acceptance of the mystery of Christ's presence. “我知道,當我們慶祝聖體聖事,我們收到的是耶穌 ”她說, “只要孩子們準備的第一開聖體就知道,我很高興” 。 在某種程度上,她知道不管是不是用變體說或一些其他的解釋 解釋基督的存在 信仰關鍵不是 神學思想建設的洞察力 而是接受基督的存在的奧秘 The Catechism of the Catholic Church also helps us learn about the power and value of diversity in the church. While reminding us of our sometimes violent history (#817), it challenges us to delve more deeply into the mystery of faith, acknowledging the simple sanity of proclaiming our unity without demanding uniformity (#819). Nowhere is this clearer than when the catechism reminds us that "the body's unity does not do away with the diversity of its members; `In the building up of Christ's body there is engaged a diversity of members and functions. There is only one spirit who, according to his own richness and the needs of the ministries, gives different gifts for the welfare of the whole church'" (#791). 天主教教會的教義,也有利於我們了解在教會裡多樣性的價值跟能力。同時提醒我們,我 們有時暴力的歷史(編號817 ) 它挑戰我們要深入更深入信仰的奧秘,承認簡單的理智 宣布我們的團結,而不要求的統一性(編號819 ) 。只存在一個聖神,據他自己的豐富 性和需要,為社會福利的整個教會 給予不同的禮物 “ (編號791 ) 。 In other words, all of us have different gifts that are intended to work together for the good of all. It is not necessary that we compare gifts or have them all to be good Catholics. Neither is it essential that we have absolute agreement about everything the church teaches. While it is undeniable that we need to agree in faith about foundational teachings like the Incarnation, the Trinity, and our shared commitment to justice, there is enormous room for dialogue about how Christ is truly God and human, how God is three persons but only one God, and how best to work for justice. In the end, whenever we forget that we are trying to help people understand, appreciate, and believe in the mystery of God's presence within and among us, we not only add to an unhealthy division in the church, we also risk reducing God to our own constructs. When we do that, we can easily fall into idolatry. 換言之,我們大家都有不同的禮物,目的是共同為良好的一切工作,。 我們同意一切教會的教導 是沒有必要。 同時,不可否認的是,我們必須同意,在信仰的教義有關的基礎,三位一體,和我們的共 同承諾,正義,存在著巨大的空間對話,有關如何基督是真正的天主和人,如何天主是3 人,但只1個天主,以及如何為公義最好地工作。在年底,每當我們忘記,我們正試圖幫 助人們了解,欣賞,並相信,在神秘的天主存在 在我們中間, 我們不要在教會裡加一個不健康的部分,當我們這樣做的時候,我們可以很容易陷入偶像 崇拜。 Many adult cafeteria Catholics not only tolerate diversity in the church, they celebrate it. They choose a variety of paths to personal holiness, are excited by the insights of other religious traditions; they not only appreciate the development of doctrine through the centuries, they expect it to continue. Grounded in compassion and never forgetting where they come from, cafeteria Catholics honor other Catholics who can't stand music at Mass, esteem their neighbors who serve on parish councils, and listen politely to poorly crafted homilies because they respect the office of their priests if not their speaking ability. They try never to judge others who think differently from them and listen carefully to all with the expectation that there is much to learn about what it means to be Catholic now and in the future. And together with those with whom they often disagree, they volunteer in soup kitchens and homeless shelters week after week. 很多自助餐式的天主教徒,不僅容忍多樣性在教會裡,他們也慶祝。 他們選擇不同的路徑成聖, 對其他宗教傳統感到興趣, 他們不僅欣賞的幾個世紀以來天主教學說的發展,他們期望它繼續發展下去。 根植於同情和從來沒有忘記他們來自哪裡, 自助餐式天主教徒尊重其他天主教徒, 他們從來沒有因為別人的不同而判斷別人 與那些與他們往往不同意的人 一起服務窮人 While cafeteria Catholics have received very bad press in recent years, often being condemned for actions they never even contemplated, they continue-struggling to understand and appreciate the most important and foundational teachings of the church. My experience tells me they are a community of searchers who are proud to call themselves Catholic while freely admitting they are sifting through the vast array of church teaching, trying to discern what most helps them on their own faith journeys. Humbled by their honesty and empowered by their passion, I am proud to join them in the search. 我的經驗告訴我,自助餐式的天主教徒會引以自豪的告訴別人自己是天主教徒 通過大量的教會教導,試圖辨別什麼最有利於對他們自己的信仰旅程。 他們的誠實和他們的熱情,我很自豪地加入他們 繼續尋求天主。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: