精華區beta Catholic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《tlh (Go on)》之銘言: : 我們堂區附近就是主業會的女子中心,因此我們教堂裡很多主業會的人,我也很常和他們 : 接觸,他們的創辦人聖施禮華,認為每個人都可以在生活中成聖的,因此主張每位成員在 : 自己的生活中,藉著自己的工作與天主的聖言一起生活出來,而我所認識的主業會成員們 : 每一位在靈修上都有很好的模範,除此之外,他們也和神職人員一樣,有日課,有每日固 : 定的祈禱等等,甚至和神職人員一樣有每月的短避靜與長避靜,而主業會和修會不太一樣 : 的是,這個會的成員包含神父與一般教友。 : 其實,他們並不像書中寫得那樣....搞得大家對主業會的誤解很深...... 我是覺得他們很怪 可能有人不覺得吧 他們的書是The Way 要進去主業會 他們才會給 弄得很神秘 他們的理由是外面的人不懂 底下是她們的一些守則跟女生要守的規矩 也許tlh可以幫忙問一問 http://www.odan.org/corporal_mortification.htm "Blessed be pain. Loved be pain. Sanctified be pain. . . Glorified be pain!" (The Way, 208) 受苦是受祝福的 "No ideal becomes a reality without sacrifice. Deny yourself. It is so beautiful to be a victim!" (The Way, 175) 否定你自己 受害者是美麗的 "Obey with your lips, your heart and your mind. It is not a man who is being obeyed, but God." (Furrow, maxim 374) "And be watchful, for a spark is much easier to extinguish than a fire. Take flight, for in this it is low cowardice to be "brave"; a roving eye does not mean a lively spirit, but turns out to be a snare of satan. Yet human diligence, with mortification, the cilice, disciplines and fasting are all worthless without you, my God." (Furrow, 834) "They [Opus Dei numeraries] shall maintain the pious custom, for the purpose of chastising the body and reducing it to servitude, of wearing a small cilice for at least two hours daily; once a week they shall take the disciplines as well as sleeping on the floor, providing that health is not affected." (Opus Dei Constituciones, article 147) 每天要帶cilice兩小時 每周要做disciplines 跟睡地板一次 clice的照片 http://www.odan.org/images/cilice_2004.jpg
disciplines的照片 http://www.odan.org/images/discipline_2004.jpg
"To defend his purity, St. Francis of Assisi rolled in the snow, St. Benedict threw himself into a thornbush, St. Bernard plunged into an icy pond... You... what have you done?" (The Way, 143) 方濟在花叢裡打滾 本篤跳到棘叢裏 伯納跳到冰池塘 你做了什麼 "What has been lost through the flesh, the flesh should pay back: be generous in your penance." (The Forge, 207) "If you realize that your body is your enemy, and an enemy of God's glory since it is an enemy of your sanctification, why do you treat it so softly?" (The Way, 227) "Your worst enemy is yourself." (The Way, 225) 你最壞的敵人就是你自己 "You have come to the apostolate to submit, to annihilate yourself, not to impose your own personal viewpoints." (The Way, 936) ========== 女生要做的事情 Sleep on boards laid on top of the mattress. 睡在木板上 Sleep without a pillow once a week. 一周一次 睡覺不用枕頭 May not smoke or enter a bar. 不能抽菸 The Founder believed that women had passions that required more discipline to tame. 創辦人相信女生要更多的紀律 才能被訓練好 ============ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opus_Dei Critical views In the English-speaking world, the most vocal critic of Opus Dei is a group called the Opus Dei Awareness Network (ODAN), a non-profit organization that exists "to provide education, outreach and support to people who have been adversely affected by Opus Dei." ODAN is headed by Diane DiNicola, mother of a former member, Tammy DiNicola. [114] Other major critics are Maria Carmen del Tapia, an ex-member who was a high-ranking officer of Opus Dei for many years,[115] liberal Catholic theologians such as Fr. James Martin, a Jesuit writer and editor, and supporters of Liberation theology, such as journalist Penny Lernoux and Michael Walsh, a writer on religious matters and former Jesuit.[71][116] Seal of the Prelature of Opus Dei: "A cross embracing the world" Critics state that Opus Dei is "intensely secretive"— for example, members generally do not disclose their affiliation with Opus Dei in public, and under the 1950 constitution, members were expressly forbidden to reveal themselves without the permission of their superiors.[13] This practice has led to much speculation about who may be a member.[13] Opus Dei has been accused of deceptive and aggressive recruitment practices such as showering potential members with intense praise ("Love bombing"),[100] instructing numeraries to form friendships and attend social gatherings explicitly for recruiting purposes,[72] and requiring regular written reports from its members about those friends who are potential recruits.[117] 他們只招募精英 重點招募對象 主業會成員要寫報告給指導員 such as ODAN further allege that Opus Dei maintains an extremely high degree of control over its members— for instance, there used to be a time when numeraries submitted their incoming and outgoing mail to their superiors to read,[118] and members are forbidden to read certain books without permission from their superiors.[118] Critics charge that Opus Dei pressures numeraries to sever contact with non-members, including their own families.[100] Thus, David Clark, who assists people to leave what he calls cults, say that Opus Dei is "very cult-like".[100] 主業會對成員的控制很強 賺的錢要交給指導者 寄信都要通過指導者 有些書 成員不可以看 Critics assert that Escrivá and the organization supported the governments of Augusto Pinochet,[119] and Alberto Fujimori of Peru during the 1990s[120], both of which allegedly included members of Opus Dei amongst their ministers and prominent supporters. There have also been allegations that Escrivá expressed sympathy for Adolf Hitler.[121][122] One former Opus Dei priest, Vladimir Felzmann, who has become a vocal Opus Dei critic, says that Escrivá once remarked that Hitler had been "badly treated" by the world and he further declared that "Hitler couldn't have been such a bad person. He couldn't have killed six million [Jews]. It couldn't have been more than four million."[123][124][125] Opus Dei is also accused of elitism, of targeting "the intellectual elite, the well-to-do, and the socially prominent."[126] As a part of the Roman Catholic Church, Opus Dei has been open to the same criticisms as Catholicism in general— for example female members of Opus Dei cannot become priests or prelates.[127] Based on his critical study of Opus Dei, John Allen, Jr. recommended that Opus Dei should (1) be more transparent, (2) collaborate with monks and nuns who belong to religious orders, and (3) encourage its members to air out in public their criticisms of the institution -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: