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底下有大概的翻譯 如果可以的話 還是看英文會比較清楚 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/13/world/europe/13pope.html?pagewanted=print Pope Addresses Secularism in France By RACHEL DONADIO and ALAN COWELL PARIS — Starting his first visit to France as pope on Friday, Benedict XVI touched on central themes of his papacy — including the tensions between faith and reason and church and state as well as his efforts to reach out to Muslims and Jews — and urged an increasingly irreligious Europe to look back to its intellectual roots in Christian monastic culture. 教宗週五開始他的首次訪問法國,教宗本篤十六世談到了他在位期間中心的主題-包括信 仰與理性之間和教會與國家之間的緊張,以及他想跟穆斯林和猶太人溝通的努力 -並促請 歐洲 (越來越走向非宗教) 能回顧他植根於基督宗教文化中的智慧的根基。 "What gave Europe's culture its foundation — the search for God and the readiness to listen to him — remains today the basis of any genuine culture," the pope said. 教宗說 "歐洲的文化基礎-尋找天主和願意聽他-仍是今天真正的文化的基礎"。 The pope spoke before 700 academics, cultural figures and the Muslim leaders at the Collège des Bernardins, a new cultural center in a 13th-century monastery, a location he called "emblematic" for his remarks. 教宗跟700名學者,文化人士和穆斯林領導人前 講話 在13世紀的修道院裡的新文化中心,Collège des Bernardins "Amid the great cultural upheaval resulting from migrations of peoples and the emerging new political configurations, the monasteries were the places where the treasures of ancient culture survived," he said. 他說 "在偉大的文化動亂所造成的遷移,民族和新興的政治配置,修道院保存了古老文化 的寶藏 "。 He continued: "It is through the search for God that the secular sciences take on their importance. His message sought to counter a deep vein of anti-clericalism in France, which has long drawn sharp distinctions between issues of faith and matters of temporal power. 他續稱: "這是通過尋找天主 世俗科學了解他們的重要性。 這是信仰跟暫時權力議題的尖銳區分 "At this moment in history, when cultures continue to cross paths more frequently, I am firmly convinced that a new reflection on the true meaning and importance of secularism is now necessary," the pope said earlier at a ceremony with President Nicolas Sarkozy at the Élysée Palace, the seat of the French presidency. He used the term in French "laïcité" which denotes the separation of church and state. "在這個歷史時刻,當文化交流更加頻繁,我堅信 關於對世俗主義的真正含義和重要性的反省,是有必要的,"教宗說, 較早時舉行的頒獎典禮上與法國總統Nicolas Sarkozy在élysée宮, 他用這個詞在法語" laïcité ",是指政教分離的國家。 But, in contrast with history's long chronicles of confrontation between the poles of divine and earthly power, the pope proposed a "distinction between the political realm and that of religion in order to preserve both the religious freedom of citizens and the responsibility of the state toward them." 但是,在與歷史的長期對立的兩極 神和人間權力的對比, 教宗提出了"區分政治和宗教,以維護雙方的宗教自由和國家對他們的責任" 。 The pope distinguished between the state's legislative and social responsibilities and religion's role "for the formation of conscience" and the "creation of a basic ethical consensus in society." 教宗 區分 國家的立法與社會的責任 和 宗教的角色 "為形成良心"與"建立一個基本的道 德社會的共識" 。 The pope's four-day stay in France had been planned to mark the 150th anniversary of what the Vatican recognizes as the apparitions of the Virgin Mary to a 14-year-old peasant girl, Bernadette Soubirous, at Lourdes in 1858. But he broadened his journey at the invitation of Mr. Sarkozy, who spoke during a visit to Rome and the Vatican last year of a "positive secularism," saying religion "should not be considered a danger but an asset." 教宗的為期4天留在法國 是慶祝露德聖母150週年 但他擴大了他的旅程 因為法國總統的邀請 Mr. Sarkozy,,訪問羅馬和梵蒂岡期間,說 對一個"積極的世俗主義" 而言 宗教,不應被視為一種危險,反而應該是一種資產" 。 Roman Catholics make up about 60 percent of the French population of 65 million. But only 11 percent of people said they regarded religion as "'very important," according to a survey by the Pew Research Center. France also has a growing Muslim minority of 6 million and smaller groups of other faiths. 羅馬天主教徒大約是法國人口6500萬的60 % 但據調查顯示 只有11 %的人說,他們把宗教作為"非常重要", 法國也有越來越多的穆斯林 600萬 和較小的團體和其他信仰。 The pope's visit to France came almost exactly two years after he stirred Muslim ire with a speech about Islam in Regensburg, in his native Germany, quoting a 14th century Byzantine emperor as saying that the Prophet Muhammad brought "things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." 幾乎兩年了,在教宗的訪問法國跟 他激起穆斯林憤怒與講話伊斯蘭教在雷根斯堡, 在他的祖國德國,引用十四世紀拜占庭帝國皇帝的話 Dalil Boubakeur, the rector of the Paris Mosque, described that controversy as "ancient history," The Associated Press reported. "Through his speeches we know that he is a man of peace and dialogue," Mr. Boubakeur said. dalil boubakeur ,巴黎清真寺的教長說 "通過他的發言,我們知道他是一個和平的人與對話的人” In a private meeting with French Jews on Friday, the pope spoke vehemently about the church's opposition to "every form of anti-Semitism, which can never be theologically justified," according to a text of his remarks. 在一個法國的猶太人的私人會晤,教宗強烈會的反對"任何形式的反猶太主義,絕不能用 神學合理化的 In reaching out to the community he also discussed the holocaust, saying, "God does not forget." 他還討論了大屠殺,他說: "天主不會忘記的" When the pope's plane landed at Orly Airport near Paris , he was met by Mr. Sarkozy, flanked by his wife, Carla. The visit to France is Benedict's 10th foreign trip since he became Pope in 2005. 訪問法國是教宗的第十個外國之行 In an interview in fluent French with reporters traveling with him on an Alitalia airplane from Rome, the pope was asked what his message was and replied that it "seemed evident to me that secularism in itself is not in contradiction with faith." 在接受記者採訪時 用流利的法語回答 有人問他這次行程有什麼訊息, 他回答說, “我認為世俗主義與信仰本身並不矛盾, " Religion and politics, he said, "should be open to each other." 宗教和政治,他說: "應該向對方開放" Speaking before the pope at the Élysée palace, Mr. Sarkozy renewed his appeal for a "positive secularism" saying it was "legitimate for democracy and respectful of secularism to have a dialogue with religions." Mr. Sarkozy再次呼籲"積極的世俗主義" ,稱它是"合法的民主 和尊重與宗教有對話的世俗主義" 。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: