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Pope Seeks Greater Role for Catholics in Europe on Policy Issues 教宗謀求天主教對歐洲的政策 發揮更大的作用 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/20/world/europe/20pope.html?_r=1&scp=3&sq=catholic&st=cse&oref=slogin By RACHEL DONADIO ROME — Is the Catholic Church a beleaguered underdog, fighting for a voice in secular Europe, or a still-mighty power, wielding its influence on European law through friendly center-right governments? 天主教教會對世俗的歐洲 是一個弱勢者,或仍然有強大的力量, 藉著對天主教友好中間偏右的政府影響歐洲的法律? That question, which has been building momentum throughout Pope Benedict XVI’ s three-year-old papacy, came mightily to the fore in his recent trip to France. 在教宗本篤十六最近訪問法國 這個問題 被強烈地提出 Yet even as the pope calls for more animated discussion of church and state and more interreligious dialogue, no one, probably not even at the Vatican, expects Europe to become newly devout any time soon. Mass attendance is at record lows, as is the number of priests. 任何人,甚至是梵蒂岡,都知道歐洲不可能短時間重新變為虔誠的。 參加彌撒的人 達到創紀錄的新低,神職人員的人數也是。 Nor does anyone expect France to overturn its dearly held tenet of “laïcité ,” a strict separation of church and state, in spite of the pope’s admonition that secularism leads to nihilism and President Nicolas Sarkozy’s calls for a more “positive laïcité.” But Benedict’s insistence that religion and politics be “open” to each other — coupled with his strong renewal while in Lourdes of the church’s opposition to same-sex couples, communion for the divorced and euthanasia — sends a direct message: the church doesn’t want European law to be at odds with church teaching, and he wants Catholics to make some noise about it. 本篤在露德 強調教會反對同性婚姻 反對離婚跟安樂死 表達一個很直接的訊息: 教會不希望歐洲的法律是不符合教會的教導, 他希望天主教會能影響政策 (make some noise about it)。 This pope is looking to reconquer Europe, if not in numbers, then at the political table. 這個教宗正在尋求奪回歐洲,如果不是在人數上,至少在政治上 “Let’s not make mistakes, there are laws in Europe that the Vatican would like to change,” said John L. Allen Jr., a columnist for the National Catholic Reporter. Benedict’s remarks in France were “not an apolitical reflection,” he said. 本篤在法國的講話不是一個非政治性的思考 The Vatican, Mr. Allen added, is concerned about “a progressive secularization of European institutions” that is “heavily influenced by the French model.” For one, European Union legislation forbids discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. In an ongoing clash in Britain, Catholic orphanages have said they will have to shut down or break ties with the church if they are required to place children with same-sex couples. Spain legalized same-sex marriage in 2005, following the Netherlands and Belgium. 歐洲立法 禁止歧視 不能問人的性傾向 在英國,如果他們需要把兒童給與同性伴侶領養 天主教孤兒院將不得不關閉或中斷與教會的關係。 西班牙同性婚姻合法化在2005年,後來荷蘭和比利時也允許同性婚姻。 Some say the pope’s visit might encourage Catholics to speak up in opposition. 教宗的訪問希望鼓勵天主教徒能反對這些政策。 For its part, the Vatican seemed pleased with Benedict’s trip. The pope’s reception in France was “encouraging,” the Rev. Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, said in an interview this week. The climate in France, he said, indicated that “the church has a contribution to make and it’s accepted and respected as a cultural and moral force, a force of moral commitment.” 教宗訪問法國的氣氛 指出 天主教會作為一種文化和道義力量 被歐洲人接受以及尊重 以及被視為道德上的承諾的力量。 Benedict ostensibly traveled to France for the 150th anniversary of the year a 14-year-old peasant girl, Bernadette Soubirous, said she had visions of the Virgin Mary in a Lourdes grotto that this year is expected to draw a record eight million pilgrims. 教宗因為露德聖母150 周年訪問 預估今年會有八百萬人去露德朝聖 Lourdes always has epitomized “a kind of Catholic counterculture” and “the power of faith over science,” said Ruth Harris, an Oxford professor and the author of “Lourdes: Body and Spirit in the Secular Age.” Over the years, she said, the city’s popularity “gets strengthened in these periods where the republic is seen as persecuting the church.” 牛津大學的教授說的話 That may be the case today, when some devout European Catholics see themselves as a persecuted minority facing a secular hegemony. 歐洲一些虔誠的天主教徒 面對著一個世俗的霸權 認為自己是受迫害的少數人。 Sociologically, “I think papal trips perform the same function as gay pride parades,” Mr. Allen said. “It’s about a group that perceives itself as a minority that has been in their view closeted for too long and wants to take it to the streets and proclaim that ‘We’re here.’ ” Allen先生說 教宗的訪問跟同性戀遊行的功能類似 認為自己作為一個少數民族已經太久 希望表現天主教力量的存在 In Paris, an estimated quarter-million people turned out to hear the pope celebrate Mass at the Esplanade des Invalides, more than greeted Senator Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential nominee, in his visit to Berlin in July. And thousands of young people waited for hours to hear the pope’s address in the Cathedral of Notre-Dame. 在巴黎,估計有25萬人聽了教宗主持的彌撒, 超過參議員奧巴馬7月 在柏林的訪問的聽眾人數。 成千上萬的年輕人在等了幾小時 只為聽到教宗的演說。 In today’s Europe, many Catholics “feel the need for public manifestations of who they are because they can’t rely on the institutions of the culture to transmit it,” Mr. Allen said. But that strategy has not convinced critics. Claiming victim status “is a classic move, a deft rhetorical move,” said Paolo Flores d’Arcais, the editor of the left-wing Italian journal MicroMega, who argued for atheism in a public debate against Benedict, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, in 2000. Some see the church as not unlike the American right, which continues to depict itself as an outside force fighting a dominant liberal culture even after eight years of Republican rule. France, Germany and Italy are now governed by church-friendly center-right coalitions. Last spring, the right made unprecedented challenges to Italy’s 30-year-old law legalizing abortion. In 2005, Italy passed a law restricting artificial insemination. 法國,德國和意大利目前由與教會友好的中間偏右聯盟執政。 去年春天,意大利的墮胎合法化的法律 受到前所未有的挑戰。 在2005年,意大利通過了一項法律,限制了人工授精。 “So how can you say that you’re an oppressed minority?” Mr. Flores asked. “That’s madness.” “所以你怎麼說,你是一個受壓迫的少數民族? ” 弗洛雷斯先生問。 “這是瘋狂的。 ” Today, Europe is defined largely in economic, not cultural, terms. It is uncertain about its identity, its shared values, its future. Will the pope’s visit change the conversation? 今天,歐洲這個詞主要是指經濟的歐洲,不是文化的歐洲 “I don’t think it’ll change because the pope spoke,” said Mario Marazziti, a spokesman for the Community of Sant’Egidio, a lay Catholic group. But Benedict clearly has his sights on Europe. “It’s interesting,” Mr. Marazziti said. “The two don’t understand each other, but they talk to one another.” “我不認為這會改變” Mario說 本篤對歐洲有他的看法 這很有趣 他們互不了解 但是他們會彼此對話 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: falstaff 來自: (09/23 12:23) falstaff:轉錄至看板 Christianity 09/23 12:27