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http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/24/world/europe/24pope.html?sq=catholic&st=cse&scp=3&pagewanted=print November 24, 2008 Pope Questions Interfaith Dialogue 教宗對宗教間對話的質問 By RACHEL DONADIO ROME — In comments on Sunday that could have broad implications in a period of intense religious conflict, Pope Benedict XVI cast doubt on the possibility of interfaith dialogue but called for more discussion of the practical consequences of religious differences. 羅馬-在週日,教宗本篤1 6世質疑宗教間的對話的可能性,但呼籲進行更多的宗教分歧的 實際後果的討論。 這可以產生廣泛影響在一段時間內的緊張宗教衝突 The pope’s comments came in a letter he wrote to Marcello Pera, an Italian center-right politician and scholar whose forthcoming book, “Why We Must Call Ourselves Christian,” argues that Europe should stay true to its Christian roots. A central theme of Benedict’s papacy has been to focus attention on the Christian roots of an increasingly secular Europe. 教宗的評論是在他寫信給里皮佩拉信中,意大利中間偏右的政治家和學者 他的書即將出版, “因此,我們必須稱自己基督教” ,認為歐洲應保持其真正的基督教根源。 本篤一直將注意力集中於日益世俗的歐洲的基督信仰根基。 In quotations from the letter that appeared on Sunday in Corriere della Sera, Italy’s leading daily newspaper, the pope said the book “explained with great clarity” that “an interreligious dialogue in the strict sense of the word is not possible.” In theological terms, added the pope, “a true dialogue is not possible without putting one’s faith in parentheses.” 在週日意大利的晚郵報,教宗說,這本書“非常清晰解釋”, “一個宗教間的對話在嚴 格意義上是不可能的。 ”在神學而言,教皇補充說, “真正的對話是不可能的把自己的 信仰在括號內。 ” But Benedict added that “intercultural dialogue which deepens the cultural consequences of basic religious ideas” was important. He called for confronting “in a public forum the cultural consequences of basic religious decisions.” 但本篤說, “跨文化對話是會加深基本的宗教思想的文化後果”是很重要的。他呼籲對 抗“在公共論壇上 基本宗教的決定的文化後果。 ” The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said the pope’s comments seemed intended to draw interest to Mr. Pera’s book, not to cast doubt on the Vatican’s many continuing interreligious dialogues. 梵蒂岡發言人,隆巴迪神父說,教宗的評論似乎旨在提請利益佩拉先生的著作,而不是懷 疑梵蒂岡的許多宗教間的對話繼續。 “He has a papacy known for religious dialogue; he went to a mosque, he’s been to synagogues,” Father Lombardi said. “This means that he thinks we can meet and talk to the others and have a positive relationship.” “他聞名的是宗教之間的對話;他去了清真寺,跟猶太教堂, ”神父隆巴爾迪說。 “這 意味著,他認為我們跟不同信仰的人見面和交談,是有正面的幫助。 ” To some scholars, the pope’s remarks seemed aimed at pushing more theoretical interreligious conversations into the practical realm. 一些學者,教宗的講話似乎旨在推動更多的宗教間的對話到實際生活 “He’s trying to get the Catholic-Islamic dialogue out of the clouds of theory and down to brass tacks: how can we know the truth about how we ought to live together justly, despite basic creedal differences?” said George Weigel, a Catholic scholar and biographer of Pope John Paul II. “他試圖讓天主教伊斯蘭對話 能落實:我們如何才能知道 如何公正地生活在一起的真相 儘管基本的信仰 信條有差異”喬治韋格爾說,一個天主教學者和傳記作家教皇約翰保羅二世。 This month, the Vatican held a conference with Muslim religious leaders and scholars aimed at improving ties. The conference participants agreed to condemn terrorism and protect religious freedom, but they did not address issues of conversion and of the rights of Christians in majority Muslim countries to worship. 本月初,梵蒂岡與穆斯林宗教領袖和學者舉行了一次會議,旨在改善關係的發展。會議的 與會者一致譴責恐怖主義和保護宗教信仰自由,但他們並沒有解決改信的問題和基督徒在 穆斯林佔多數的國家的宗教生活的權利。 The church is also engaged in dialogue with Muslims organized by the king of Saudi Arabia, a country where non-Muslims are forbidden from worshiping in public. 教會也參與了與穆斯林組織的沙特國王對的話,一個非穆斯林被禁止在公共崇拜的國家。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: