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[轉載之前] 我破例在天主教版公開推薦一篇新教信義會牧師所翻譯關於信心本質的佳句, 但不否認提出這篇的目的之一是為了支持我先前的論點,但我也希望能透過這篇的思維, 幫助到一些人更認識天主和天主教徒的思維。 [出處] 教牧與教育網站 基督教中華福音信義會 江茂松牧師 http://ce.fhl.net/quotation/f/faith-essence.htm [本文] FAITH - Essence 信心本質 Grace is not a reward for faith; faith is the result of grace. 恩典不是信心的獎賞;信心是恩典的結果。 Repentance and faith are graces we have received, not goals we have achieved. 懊悔及信心是我們得到的恩典,而不是我們成就的目標。 When Abraham went out, he was not sure of his destiny, but he was sure of his company. 當亞伯拉罕出去時,他不確定自己的命運,但他十分確定與他同行的是誰。 Faith is dead to doubt, dumb to discouragement, blind to impossibilities. 信心是以死對待懷疑,以沈默對待絕望,以瞎眼面對不可能。 Faith never fears that it will overdraw its account at the bank of heaven. 信心從來不懼怕天上銀行存款會被提領一空。 Believe your beliefs and doubt your doubts; do not make the mistake of doubting your beliefs and believing your doubts. Charles F. Deems 相信你所相信的,懷疑你所懷疑的;千萬別搞錯成懷疑你所相信的,相信你所懷疑的。 There are three acts of faith; assent, acceptance and assurance. John Flavel 信心包括三個行動:同意、接受以及確信。 Faith is the trunk of the tree whose roots represent grace and whose fruit symbolizes good works. William Hendriksen 信心是一棵樹的樹幹,它的根是恩典,它的結果象徵善工。 There is no merit in believing. It is only the act of receiving a proffered favour. Charles Hodge 信心本身沒有甚麼功勞。信心只是接受上帝給我們的益處而已。 Saving faith is not creative, but receptive. It does not make our salvation, it accepts it grateful. Robert Horn 救贖的信心不具創造力,而是勇於接受。它沒有做成救恩,它感恩的接受救恩。 Faith is a refusal to panic. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones 信心能讓你避免驚慌失措。 The property of faith is not to be proud of what the eye sees, but to rely on what the Word reveals. Martin Luther 信心之價值不在誇耀眼睛看到的,而是依賴上帝話語所彰顯的。 Faith has no back door. Paul Madson 信心沒有後門。 Some people are always telegraphing to heaven for God to send a cargo of blessings to them; but they are not at the wharfside to unload the cargo when it comes. F. B. Meyer 有些人經常打電報到天上告訴上帝送給他們一貨櫃的福氣;可是當貨櫃到的時候,他們卻 沒有碼頭設備可以卸下貨櫃。 Seeing is not believing. Seeing is seeing. Believing is being confident without seeing. G. Campbell Morgan 眼見不是信心。眼見就是眼見。信心是雖未看見卻仍深信不疑。 Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man's power ends. George Muller 信心可不是在有可能成就的範疇運作的。在人力可能完成的情形中,上帝可沒甚麼可誇的 。信心是在人的能力盡頭處開始的。 In faith two characteristics are inherent: it is worked by God and willed by man. Adolf Schlatter 信心蘊含兩個特色:那就是上帝的工作與人的意願。 The walk of faith is not getting a series of jerks from God. David Shepherd 信心的步行可不是從上帝而來的顛簸而行。 A believer sees invisible things. Richard Sibbes 一個相信的人能看見看不見的東西。 -- 發覺、尊重、善用上天賦予每個人內在生命中的真善美聖及其所含的力量 -- 天主教會台灣地區主教團關懷社會公開信 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
opoj :非常好,跟馬丁路德的看法一致 11/01 01:35