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  對新教宣教士彭蒙惠女士來說,傳福音大概沒有被侷限在一般新教徒 所理解的福傳方法。雖然救世傳播協會是一個明確的組織,但難道積極從 事英語教學本身不能是所謂的「傳福音」?   我曾在貴板提及過前以色列總理「拉賓」的故事,我第一次知道他的  和平理念,正是來自彭蒙惠女士的空中英語教室雜誌文章。遺憾的是讀過 之後不久,拉賓就因為推動中東和平遭到自己國內的激進人士刺殺身亡。 步入二十一世紀的天主教,明確教導和指出:「締造和平的人是有福的, 因為他們要稱為天主的子女!」而空英的文章已先埋下此觀念的經驗種子。      對我來說,英語教學本身,的確是一個積極的福傳作為。 恰好我最近又看到一篇空英(彭蒙惠英語)的國外新聞時事報導,有 些觸動,可以是一個提醒和反省材料,跟大家分享: 可以順便學英文,也可只關注這篇與福音傳播有什麼關聯。 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Mohawks say jailing violates their tribal rights 莫霍克族人表示監禁違反其部落權益 ◆ by Kibret Markos / (c) 2008, The Record (Hackensack, N.J.). Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services. Two Canadian-born Native Americans charged with money laundering are challenging an order by immigration officials that is keeping them in jail despite their unique status as neither citizens nor foreigners. 兩位生於加拿大、被控洗錢的美洲原住民對移民官員監禁他們的命令提出異議,因為該命 令未考量他們既非公民亦非外國人的特殊身份,將他們施以監禁。 money laundering (n phr) 洗錢 movement of money, which has been obtained illegally, through banks and other businesses to make it seem to have been obtained legally movement of money, which has been obtained illegally, through banks and other businesses to make it seem to have been obtained legally Kenwenteson Jacobs and Kahnekaiento McGregor were pulled over by New Jersey police and arrested after officers found $74,000 in cash in their car. 肯文提森.傑考布斯和卡尼凱安托.麥貴格的座車在路上被紐澤西警方攔下,警員在他們 車上搜出七萬四千美元現金後將兩人逮捕。 They were charged with money laundering and put in jail. 他們被控洗錢,琅當入獄。 Jacobs and McGregor, who are members of the Mohawk nation and live on a reservation outside of Montreal, were ordered held by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials after police reported them as Canadian citizens. 傑考布斯和麥貴格是莫霍克族人,住在蒙特婁市郊的保留區,警方將這兩人以加拿大籍公 民身份提報,「移民與海關執行局」官員隨即下令拘留二人。 reservation (n) 美洲印地安人保留區 an area of land set aside by the federal government, especially for the use of a Native American people The order means that they will have to remain in jail as the case proceeds, and could face deportation proceedings if convicted. 這道命令規定兩人須於案件審理期間留在獄中,若罪名成立,即可能面臨驅逐出境的法律 程序。 deportation (n) the process of forcing someone to leave a country, especially someone who has no legal right to be there or who has broken the law Their attorneys, however, argued that immigration officials never should have been involved. 但兩人的律師主張移民局官員本來就不該插手。 Native Americans are allowed to move freely across the border under the Jay Treaty of 1794. 根據一七九四年的「傑伊條約」,法律允許美洲原住民自由穿越美加邊境。 The decision also angered Mohawk leaders, who cited federal case law providing that Native Americans cannot be deported. 這個判決也激怒了莫霍克族的領袖,他們引用聯邦判例,判例規定政府不得將美洲原住民 驅逐出境。 cite (v) to mention something as proof or as a reason why something has happened "For us, there is no border," said Mike Bush, one of 11 Mohawk chiefs who lead close to 150,000 Indians living in several communities in Ontario, Quebec, and upstate New York. 「邊境對我們來說是不存在的。」十一名莫霍克族酋長之一的麥可.布希這麼說。他領導 近十五萬名分別住在安大略、魁北克及紐約上州幾個聚落的印地安人。 "It's impossible for us to 'immigrate' to what is technically our territory. 「這裡嚴格來說是我們的領土,對我們來說根本沒有『遷移』這回事, We are just like American Indians in the United States." 我們跟美國的美洲印地安人沒有兩樣啊。」 Defense attorney Chris DiLorenzo said the case against his client is already weak because it's based on a legal principle that a large amount of cash seized from a person is presumed to have been obtained from illegal activity. 辯護律師克裡斯.迪羅倫佐說這個起訴他的當事人的案件根本站不住腳,因為它依據的法 律原則是,如果從某人身上起出大筆現金,就可推論為非法活動所得。 seize (v) to take possession of something by legal authority Attorney Frank Carbonetti said it is common for Native Americans to carry large amounts of cash and use it to transact business because often, they don't use banks. 律師法蘭克.卡波奈提說美洲原住民隨身攜帶大量現金並用現金辦事很稀鬆平常,因為他 們通常不上銀行。 transact (v) to do business; to buy or sell things "They are not like you and me," he told Judge Patrick Roma. 「他們跟你我不一樣。」他這麼告訴法官派崔克.羅馬。 "They live in reservations, keep cash at their homes and carry cash." 「他們住在保留區,現金放在家裡,會隨身帶現金。」 --------------------------------------------------------------------- [心得]   我從來沒聽過這個印第安族,透過這篇文章,我知道七萬四千美元,折合台幣約 240萬,也就是兩個加拿大籍的印第安人,車上有區區 240萬現金,開車在美國便要 被冠上洗錢罪名鋃鐺入獄。 這一點都不正義。   時事告訴我們,那些用高級珠寶洗錢的人,一顆頂級鑽戒首飾就可以上達千萬, 甚至上億。進出美國的外國有錢人不知凡幾,手上的手錶兩三隻也可以輕易超過240萬 台幣,卻沒有任何有錢人因此被當成洗錢。   真正要洗錢的人,比如劉偉傑以盜賣客戶的股票所取得的現金,購買 4億餘元鑽石 洗錢,這才是真正的洗錢。至於不使用銀行的印第安族人,每人身上帶一百二十萬現金 就該入獄,可是在美國有人同樣擁有現金,來源不明卻完全沒事,顯然:   "All men are created equal" 顯然美國獨立宣言上的這句,是個欺騙。 對付這兩個印第安人的美國司法,顯然放過了另外一對在美國洗錢的外國權貴夫婦, 新聞報導說他們用現金,付了一台高級休旅車的費用。顯然在他們擁有更多的美金現鈔。 離譜,雙重標準,差別待遇。   我的家人告訴我:「美國人(含美國新教和美國天主教徒)就是這樣勢利。           他們會考慮在誰身上有利可圖,決定該如何去圖此利。           尤其種族歧視,AIT辦美簽的時候大家都很有經驗。」   這兩個可憐的印地安人,應該聲稱他們打算用車上現金去買一台Volvo XC90,   說不定就拗過去了。     然而透過空英,很技巧地傳遞一些福音的理念和價值觀給一些學英語的人, 對於促進天主國的來臨,提供人所需要的反省資訊和材料,是不應該被忽視的。 空英教學本身,依照天主教的福傳模式來分類,可說是:知識福傳、在工作崗位 上的表率福傳(六十年的堅持)、長期奉獻愛心,以優秀的個人品質和人際關係影響 更多的人的愛德福傳、(基督徒老師合作無間)團隊福傳。(參考下面第3點) 而教學的部份內容,具體促進天主國的來臨。   我個人非常感謝彭蒙惠老師和其團隊的教導。    相關閱讀: 1. 真福八端,林思川神父講解聖經 http://epaper.ccreadbible.org/epaper/sunday_gosepel/Ordinary_1_04.htm 2. 原始新聞報導 http://www.northjersey.com/news/crimeandcourts/Mohawks_say_jailing_violates _their_tribal_rights.html   3. 管窺當代國內(按,對岸中國)天主教會的不同福傳模式 http://www.chinacatholic.org/XindeNews.asp?Id=10555&Page=1 http://www.chinacatholic.org/XindeNews.asp?Id=10555&Page=2 http://www.chinacatholic.org/XindeNews.asp?Id=10597 -- 發覺、尊重、善用上天賦予每個人內在生命中的真善美聖及其所含的力量 -- 天主教會台灣地區主教團關懷社會公開信 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
praymid :莫霍克族人的故事是彭蒙惠英語2008 July 12的課文 10/22 01:55