精華區beta Catholic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
美國馬利諾會的一個司鐸 參加一個女生當司鐸的祝聖儀式 他有覆手 也有講道理 梵蒂岡通知他 他下周被絕罰了 (這是11月 14日的新聞 我沒有看到後續的報導 所以可能通知生效了) 至於那個女生 在她祝聖儀式之後 就自動被絕罰了 我有時覺得天主教會 有一點男女不平等 就是了 ====== http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/14/us/14priest.html?_r=1&scp=3&sq=catholic&st=cse November 14, 2008 Catholic Priest Faces Excommunication By LAURIE GOODSTEIN The Vatican has informed a Roman Catholic priest in the United States that he will be excommunicated next week for participating in a ceremony it considers illicit and invalid: the ordination of a woman as a priest. The priest, the Rev. Roy Bourgeois, 69, has been a member of the Maryknoll religious order for 36 years. He said he was anguished at the thought of excommunication, but could not disavow his actions. “Who are we as men to say that we are called by God to the ministry of priesthood, but women are not? That our call is valid, but theirs is not?” he said in an interview. “We profess as Catholics that the invitation to the priesthood comes from God, and it seems to me that we are tampering with the sacred.” Father Bourgeois served as a missionary in Bolivia and El Salvador, and concerned by what he witnessed, returned to the United States and became nationally known as a peace advocate. He lives in an apartment outside the gates of Fort Benning, Ga., where he leads an annual protest against the United States Army School of the Americas, which trains military personnel from Latin America. Last year, 17,000 people joined the protest. In August, Father Bourgeois joined a ceremony in a Unitarian Universalist church in Lexington, Ky., in which a friend from the peace movement, Janice Sevre-Duszynska, claimed ordination as a Roman Catholic priest. Father Bourgeois gave the homily and laid hands on her. He had known that excommunication was possible but said he thought it unlikely. His order summoned him to headquarters and gave him a warning but did not discipline him. Then he received a letter dated Oct. 21 from the Vatican’s doctrinal watchdog, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, warning that if he did not recant, in writing, he would be excommunicated within 30 days. “When I got the actual letter, I had to sit down,” he said. “I felt nauseous. I thought, this is serious stuff. The first thought that came to mind was, How am I going to explain this to my dad and my family?” After weeks of prayer, Father Bourgeois informed the Vatican that he would not repent. Ms. Sevre-Duszynska, a veteran agitator for women’s ordination, is the 35th American woman to claim ordination from an increasingly vocal group known as Roman Catholic Womenpriests. She grew up in a Polish Catholic community in Milwaukee and grew enamored of a priest’s work after her mother arranged for her to help a nun clean the priest’s sacristy every week. “I have felt called to the priesthood since my childhood,” Ms. Sevre-Duszynska said. The Womenpriests group has been holding its own ordinations of women as priests, deacons and even bishops across North America and Europe, starting in 2002 with a ceremony on a boat on the Danube River. Some of the ceremonies in Europe were done in secret, so even Womenpriest leaders say they do not have a complete count. The Vatican and local bishops have notified the women that they are automatically excommunicated. But Father Bourgeois is the first priest to face discipline for his involvement. Leaders of the Womenpriests say that three bishops in good standing have performed ordinations in Europe. But they have pledged not to identify the bishops until their deaths. Pope John Paul II reiterated the church’s position in 1994 in an apostolic letter which said that because Jesus chose only male apostles, “the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women.” A Roman Catholic nun who worked for the Archdiocese of St. Louis was removed from her position by her archbishop this year, and banned from receiving sacraments, after she attended a women’s ordination ceremony. Father Bourgeois said he would try to appeal the Vatican’s decision. Excommunication, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, is “the most severe ecclesiastical penalty.” The person is forbidden to receive or administer sacraments. On a practical level, Father Bourgeois also faces the loss of his benefits and the $1,000 he receives monthly for living expenses. But, he said, “if I am without health care, I will be joining millions of people in the U.S. who don’t have health care.” He has been at peace, he said, since he drove to his hometown in Louisiana and told his 95-year-old father, his 3 siblings and 13 nieces and nephews. His father cried a little, Father Bourgeois recalled, then said: “God brought Roy back from the war in Vietnam, from his mission work in Bolivia and El Salvador, and God’s going to take care of him now. I support Roy.” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Geigemachen :這樣罰太重了,其他犯大罪的神職人員也沒這樣重罰 11/24 13:42
falstaff :樓上說的也對 美國有性醜聞的神父也沒有被絕罰 11/24 13:55
※ 編輯: falstaff 來自: (11/24 14:03)
LEONISS :what is 絕罰?? 11/24 14:36
forty1001 :什麼是絕罰? 不懂+1 11/24 18:43
Geigemachen :因故開除教籍,除非對此事故悔過則無法領受所有聖禮 11/24 23:38
樓上說的沒錯 絕罰就是被開除教籍 是天主教 最嚴重的處罰 在以前 以為只有天主教徒可以上天堂的時代 這就代表 這些人可能要下地獄了 現在的影響是 那個神父做了36年的神父 他在美國 可能就沒有天主教給他的零用錢跟健保 還有 他不能參加天主教的禮儀 ※ 編輯: falstaff 來自: (11/25 01:13)
LEONISS :那真的罰太重 戀童神父應該更嚴重又更多才是 11/25 12:34
panzerleader:這處罰真的太重了..... 11/25 14:23
rosalin :不覺得罰太重,願走上終身聖召都是發願服從長上的,行 11/25 22:14