精華區beta Cavaliers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Windhorst的部落格更新 The Cavs were unable to make a trade by today's deadline. I am told by sources that general manager Danny Ferry and his staff worked like crazy for days trying to get something done. They had three and four-team packages lined up, huge chucks of players moving here and there in an effort to get Sacramento to bite and deliver Mike Bibby. It just didn't work. 騎士沒有辦法在期限前完成交易. 我的消息來源說Ferry跟他的團隊幾乎是瘋狂的 想要做些成果. 他們有三方甚至四方交易的計畫,沙盤推演球員的移動,希望能讓國王 隊點頭答應交易Bibby. 但失敗了. Three-team trades are hard to work out with unlimited time, much less with hours to spare. Everything gets very complex in these deals. Perhaps the Cavs have have laid the foundation for a big deal down the line, maybe this summer, but it didn't come today. 三方交易是非常費時費功的. 為達成這些交易需要很多因素配合. 也許球隊是要留 下足以作一個大交易的籌碼,可能是今年夏天,但不是現在. In the end, it was about Kings GM Geoff Petrie refusing to budge off his wish list, which was lots of expiring dollars and picks along with a big man like Drew Gooden. And Petrie shouldn't, Bibby is a valuable player and he shouldn't make a deal unless he's 100 percent sold on it. That's why he has a rep as an excellent GM. 最後來談談國王GM Petrie拒絕騎士提出的包括有很多到期合約,還有像Gooden這類的 長人的交易案. Petrie應該不會拒絕,而他拒絕了,因為Bibby是個有價值的籌碼,在確定 這交易是百分之百物有所值之前,國王不會點頭. 這就是Petrie為何被稱為是優秀GM的 原因. As for the Cavs, I am told they tried everything in the book and tossed all their players except for LeBron into the mix to various teams. It seems Phoenix, who was just desperate to get rid of Marcus Banks, was in it until the end. But the Kings didn't want Banks and neither did the Cavs so nothing happened. 騎士這邊呢,正如我說過的球團盡一切薪資上的努力,拿出James以外的所有人作籌碼, 試圖找其他球隊一起交易. 到最後關頭似乎一直想丟掉Banks的合約的太陽隊也願意插 一腳. 但是國王不喜歡Banks,所以騎士隊徒勞無功. http://0rz.tw/662rZ ============================================================================== 到最後連太陽隊也願意加入交易的情況下,國王還是不願意點頭,我個人倒覺得那些像 Pollard啦,Wesley之類的到期約,什麼Banks到國王之類的因素...不是說不重要(那也是 錢啊XD),但其實不關鍵. 這個交易的破局很像Kidd無法到LA的模式:網隊堅持要包括Byn um來換,湖人打死不給. Petrie想要的從一開始就不是Gooden. 不過他想要的那個人,騎士不能給,至少用Bibby是換不到的. 也不能說國王貪心啦,在商言商本來就該這樣,而且它們是準備重建的球隊,能多拿 就多拿,非常合理. 不過這次沒達成協議,Bibby到了夏天會不會還有這麼高的交易價值 ,大家拭目以待吧. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
death0412:頭推,辛苦了:) 02/23 13:49
libra13:Gooden可以是個很棒的長人 可惜他的態度讓他始終是個常人 02/23 14:08
LeBronJames:態度讓他始終是個常人...XD 02/23 17:12
chuq1104:推"常人" 想當年Gooden在NCAA大殺四方..現在卻... 02/23 21:51
koyoer:它好歹在籃板也有一席..別這樣別這樣..來想想明年怎麼交易 02/23 22:25
cherngru:對啦...其實他今年籃板還有提升...尤其是進攻籃板!! 02/24 00:54
cherngru:其實Gooden在全聯盟算進攻方式蠻多元的大前鋒了~ 02/24 00:55
cherngru:只是態度和得分效率感覺都起不來>.< 02/24 00:57
chuq1104:Gooden太讓我又愛又恨 不穩定的表現 讓人很.... 02/24 12:01
chuq1104:常常正想為他喝采 他下一場就囧了..感覺Gooden以往在ncaa 02/24 12:02
chuq1104:態度跟表現上比較積極..anyway希望他加油..騎士也加油!! 02/24 12:03