精華區beta Cavaliers 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Buyouts of free agents allowed until next week By Brian Windhorst Beacon Journal sportswriter The trade deadline has passed, but the Cavaliers' hopes for adding a piece to their roster aren't totally dead. 交易期限已過,但騎士想要加入新成員的希望未減. A new player acquisition period is beginning and runs through next week: buyout season. 新的搶球員競賽從本週到下週展開:買斷季. With a number of teams already out of contention and with no more tra des to be made, veterans and players at the end of their contracts often ask to be let out of their deals at this time of year. The deadline to be released and still be eligible to play in the playoffs is March 1. No players publicly have asked to be let out, but that sort of talk happens every year at this time. 隨著交易已經不可能,很多合約末期的老鳥往往在這時開口要求球隊買斷合約. 這個釋出球員而且讓他們還可以加入球隊並參加季後賽的期限是三月一日. 目前 還沒有人公開要求,不過每年都會有這種談判發生. The Cavs have put themselves in position to earn a high playoff seed, which potentially makes them a landing place for an eager free agent who hits the open market this late in the year. 騎士隊現在保持的高季後賽種子順位,會讓很多想一試身手的自由球員感興趣. They have a full roster of 15 players, but might consider waiving a player if they were able to upgrade their roster with a free agent. 球隊現在滿編,但是可以透過揮棄某人的方式來空出位置,強化戰力. Already this season, four players have been bought out and joined other teams. Maurice Taylor left the New York Knicks and went to the Sacramento Kings, although he was later waived. Jalen Rose left the Knicks and went to the Phoenix Suns, Chris Webber left the Philadelphia 76ers and went to the Detroit Pistons and Eddie Jones left the Memphis Grizzlies and signed with the Miami Heat. 這段講今年透過買斷轉隊的四個人. The Cavs also might consider a free agent who hasn't played with a team this season, specifically the recently available Scottie Pippen. 騎士也可能考慮今年並沒有效力過任何隊伍的FA,特別是Pippen. Pippen told the Chicago Sun-Times on Thursday that he has decided to go ahead with his comeback attempt and hopes to schedule private workouts with teams in the coming days. Pippen also said ``a half-dozen'' teams had called him. Pippen跟芝加哥太陽報說他決定開始復出之路,而且希望能在接下來幾天找球隊私 下測試. 他說有六隊已經跟他接洽. Sources said the Cavs are one of the teams that have contacted Pippen and might consider working him out within the next week or so. Before making any decision, the Cavs might wait and see if any other players shake loose by next week's deadline. 消息來源說騎士也是聯絡Pippen的六隊之一,可能在下週安排進一步測試. 做最後 定奪之前騎士會先考慮下週截止日前那個隊員是可以丟掉的. Pippen, 41, told the Beacon Journal last week that he was intrigued by the Cavs and saw an opening as a point guard, a role he believes that he can pla y. He said he wants to play for a contender and preferred the Heat, who are near his Fort Lauderdale, Fla., home. 這段話之前的外電說過了. But circumstances might have changed due to Dwyane Wade's shoulder injury. In interviews with South Florida media, Heat coach Pat Riley also downplayed his team's interest. The Los Angeles Lakers, Denver Nuggets, San Antonio Spu rs, and Suns are teams that also might have interest in Pippen. 但是目前情況可能有變,隨著Wade的重傷,油頭也表達他對老皮的興趣. 湖人,金塊, 馬刺太陽是另外四隊. ============================================================================= 這次我是站在老巴的立場,雖然他常常唬爛.但是腳的問題是不可能隨著你休息四五年 而恢復多少的. 但是一些老外講的也對:就算失敗也沒損失,騎士頂多收到一個不能打的老人,而他取 代掉的不管是誰,反正騎士也不會用. 不過既然是因為欠債跑來應徵,應該會努力打吧...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
McDaniel:如果Newble真的都不上場了,甘乾脆釋出或揮棄,反正別隊 02/24 18:54
McDaniel:收了他也沒多大的用處。 02/24 18:55
arenasis:我本來也做如是觀,但是牛伯的合約忍過這個暑假,就能以"到 02/24 19:01
arenasis:期合約"的名義來做交易籌碼了,340萬不小啊,不如把長人 02/24 19:02
arenasis:Jones給揮棄掉好了 02/24 19:03
chuq1104:開特力軍團們抽籤 丟一個吧..多個6枚冠軍戒的人守開特力 02/24 19:23
chuq1104:開特力喝起來感覺會不會比較好喝押..期待老皮到來.. 02/24 19:24
cherngru:我也覺得找一個沒打的人換成老皮...沒用也不會有損失^^ 02/24 19:26
dignity2120:就算老皮不能打,他還有寶貴的經驗呀! 02/24 19:41
lucky0623:將Jones揮棄+1 Newble在撐一下吧 明年當包裹交易掉... 02/24 20:36