精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelsea.net.cn/forum/read.php?tid=5699&fpage=1 Fans celebrate two-in-a-row Sunday, May 14, 2006 Any thoughts that, with the novelty factor gone, there would be a smaller turnout as Chelsea paraded the Barclays Premiership trophy through the streets around Stamford Bridge proved incorrect. Approaching quarter-of-a- million fans assembled on Sunday afternoon to salute the team. 有些人會想,因為已經沒有去年的新鮮感覺了,切爾西慶祝衛冕的巴士遊行參加的人 數將會減少;這樣的觀點被證明是錯誤的。有二十五萬球迷參加了週日下午的遊行來 向球隊致敬。 A sea of blue began to collect along the route between Stamford Bridge and Parson's Green from before midday and by the time the two open-topped buses left Stamford Bridge, the crowd matched 2005’s gathering. 從中午開始,從斯坦福橋到帕爾森公園之間的遊行路線上就已經是藍色的海洋,而兩 個敞棚巴士離開了斯坦福橋,人們開始聚集。 The tide was particularly high in the Fulham Road near the ground and on Eel Brook Common where a big screen and party music kept the large crowd entertained. 氣氛在富勒姆路以及埃勒溪廣場達到最高潮,那里有一個大螢幕,正在播放音樂,這 讓人們非常興奮。 http://www.chelseafc.com/images/-NEWS/parade2006_1.jpg
Once the buses set off, a Chelsea tradition was observed as the sky darkened with celery, hurled in the direction of those on top. On board it was very much a family affair; wives, girlfriends and children crammed on broad with the squad, coaching staff and directors. None was more prominent than chairman Bruce Buck who sported an unfetching blond wig. 巴士一出發,切爾西傳統的慶祝方式開始出現,天空被紙帶覆蓋,車頂上的人滿身都 是紙帶。而車內則坐著家人;夫人,女朋友以及孩子都在下面同球迷見面,還有教練 組。沒人比主席布魯斯˙巴克更醒目,他帶了一個英格蘭古老的傳統假髮。 While Jose Mourinho chose to spend the final stretch of the journey downstairs with his family, his players took centre stage above. Many a Chelsea song was chanted as Shaun Wright-Phillips commandeered the official Chelsea photographer's camera and snapped away. 當何塞˙穆里尼奧選擇下去和家人團聚以後,他的球星們就占領的中間的位置。很多 切爾西歌曲回蕩在空氣中,肖恩˙賴特˙菲利普斯客串了切爾西官方攝影師的位置, 不久就被驅趕。 http://www.chelseafc.com/images/-NEWS/parade2006_2.jpg
At Eel Brook Common, John Terry, Frank Lampard, Eidur Gudjohnsen, Joe Cole, Arjen Robben and Petr Cech all spoke to the crowd and lifted silverware. Roman Abramovich raised the Premiership trophy to the biggest cheer of the day. The Community Shield was also on board. 在埃勒溪廣場,約翰˙特里、弗蘭克˙蘭帕德、埃迪˙古德楊森、喬˙科爾、阿揚˙ 羅本和皮特˙切赫都對球迷講了話,並展示了他們的獎牌。羅曼˙阿布拉莫維奇高舉 英超獎盃歡慶了勝利。社區盾盃也一併展示。 Not all could make it. International commitments claimed Africans Didier Drogba, Geremi and French players Claude Makelele and William Gallas - the same for Hernan Crespo, on duty at an Argentina get-together. Ricardo Carvalho was away receiving treatment on the head injury he suffered last weekend at Newcastle. 不是每個人都能參加。德國世界盃的準備工作召集了很多非洲和法國球員 - 迪迪埃˙ 德羅巴,格雷米,克勞迪奧˙馬克萊萊和威廉˙加拉斯,埃爾南˙克雷斯波也沒參加, 他正同阿根廷國家隊在一起。里卡多˙卡瓦略正因為他上週末在紐卡斯爾受的傷而接 受治療。 http://www.chelseafc.com/images/-NEWS/parade2006_3.jpg
Several hours after the bus had departed the vicinity, London SW6 was partying on. It is certain to go on well into the evening. 幾個小時後巴士來到終點,倫敦SW6號大路人群散開。他們晚上都能非常享受了。 http://www.chelseafc.com/images/slideshow/memorable/slideshow_title0506.htm?1 官網圖組 http://sports.sina.com.cn/z/pl0506_facup/photo/28918/index.shtml 新浪圖組 ※ 編輯: JamesCaesar 來自: (05/23 20:30)