精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premiership/article2031400.ece From Times Online Chelsea unveil new hi-tech training facility Chelsea have unveiled their new state-of-the-art training headquarters in Cobham, Surrey. 切爾西公佈最新,最先進的訓練中心在科本 The multi-million pound development boasts rehabilitation, medical and media facilities, and deploys biometric finger print scanning technology to ensure the security of players and club officials. 這花了切爾西不少錢,還有指紋辨識保全 "Today is a great and proud day for Chelsea," Peter Kenyon, the club's chief executive, said. "We are very near the culmination of many years hard work to find and build a facility that is key to the future of the club and will be one of the leading centres in the world." 肯羊很高興,說"辛苦了那麼久,這對我們未來很關鍵,這也是世界上其中一個主導的中心" The training complex was planned and built in consultation with Elmbridge Borough Council to meet the green belt requirements of the area and reflects the club's desire to build links with the community. 這訓練中心也是兼具環保的綠色建築 "Chelsea Football Club's continuing work in the community, whether running training sessions for young people and disadvantaged groups or visiting local schools to encourage a healthy lifestyle, is very valued by us all," Councillor Rosemary Dane, the Mayor of Elmbridge, said. 俱樂部還會跟年輕族群跟弱勢團體做交流,這讓當地市長覺得很讚 From a football perspective, Kenyon hopes the training complex will help the club harness local talent. "Developing home grown players is a vitally important goal for Chelsea," he said. "Cobham gives us the perfect platform for that. Our young players, Academy and Community coaches will be working closely with the first team, this is very much part of our club philosophy." 肯羊說會幫助當地的青年球員,發展青訓很重要,年輕人在切爾西好好幹會將有可能接近 一線隊,青訓是俱樂部重要的理念 -- 附上一些新訓練中心的圖片 http://myurl.com.tw/ngmr 鳥瞰 http://myurl.com.tw/epqa 大門 http://myurl.com.tw/si9k 內部 http://myurl.com.tw/3jkd 建築中 http://myurl.com.tw/tcha 外觀電腦工程圖 http://myurl.com.tw/bqd3 新聞室 http://myurl.com.tw/41ke 場所設施 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: wei7515 來自: (07/06 00:36)
win32:是魔鬼隊那種嗎 XD 07/06 12:02