精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://chelsea.sina.com.cn/news/2007-09-01/18183541.html DIARRA MOVES TO ARSENAL Sat, 1st Sep 2007   切爾西足球俱樂部可以確認,在昨晚的轉會截止時間之前,拉薩納˙迪亞拉到阿 森納的轉會已經完成。   迪亞拉是在一次20歲以下國際邀請賽中被切爾西看中的,並得到了試訓的機會。 在試訓中,他表現十分出色,並在2005年夏天以100萬英鎊的價格加盟俱樂部。他從 法國乙級聯賽球隊勒阿弗爾加盟,在那裡,他曾經當選2004年年度最佳球員。 在切爾西的第一個賽季,他在冠軍聯賽中替補出場2次。2006年1月,他在足總盃 與馬克萊斯菲爾德城隊的比賽中首次打滿全場,不久之後,這名巴黎出生的防守型中 場可以與馬克萊萊相提並論了。   但他們在風格方面有一些不同,上賽季,他同樣證明了可以勝任右邊後衛,在那 個位置,他得到了更多的出場機會,在與取勝新俱樂部的聯賽盃決賽中,他得到了一 枚獎牌。他曾經當選切爾西年度最佳新秀,在俱樂部期間,他成為了法國21歲以下國 腳,隨後成為成年國腳。他總共為切爾西首發出場21次,另外還有10次替補出場。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11661_2699485,00.html Arsenal sign Diarra 1st September 2007 Arsenal have signed midfielder Lassana Diarra from Chelsea on a "long-term contract" for an undisclosed fee. 阿森那與迪亞拉簽下一份 "長期的合約",轉會金額沒有透露。 Gunners boss Arsene Wenger has been a long-term admirer of the Frenchman, who played against Arsenal in last season's Carling Cup final. 溫格很欣賞迪亞拉。 Diarra spoke of his admiration for the French tactician and revealed that Arsenal's free-flowing football was a deciding factor. 迪亞拉也很欣賞溫格和阿森納的打法。 "I have great respect for the manager Arsene Wenger and am attracted by the style of football that the team plays," Diarra told the club's official website. "Of course I am excited by what the future holds and keen to play my part in helping Arsenal fight for trophies this season and for years to come." 他要為阿森那拿獎盃。 Diarra spent much of last season playing at right-back for Chelsea but his natural role is at defensive midfield. Wenger praised the versatility of the youngster, he said: "Lassana is a multi-functional player, making him a great addition to our squad. 溫格讚賞迪亞拉的多工性,稱他是很好的補充。 "Not only is he hard working, he has a creative edge and is comfortable playing in the middle of the pitch or at right back." "他很認真,又有創造性,可以勝任中場和右後衛。" -- Trust No 1 信 用 第 一 XDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
momo7426:..................................................... 09/02 12:56
hababy:幹 資敵 09/02 13:18
mushi614:..................................................... 09/02 13:23
wei7515:............靠! 09/02 13:54
JamesCaesar:今夏最白痴轉會 09/02 14:58
superbecky: 今夏最白痴轉會 09/02 15:10
hababy:買貝萊帝就夠囧的了,還把小狄亞拉賣給槍手 案! 09/02 15:19
JamesCaesar:Goal.com 寫5M,算是賺到 09/02 15:28
selivea: 今夏最白痴轉會 有沒有這麼囧啊 09/02 16:01
chelseamiyu:神經病..........(關電視) 09/02 17:35
smallwutw:為何賣槍手呢!><人手有充裕到這樣嗎,a.cole受傷怎麼辦? 09/02 22:30
wei7515:A科受傷有不里雞啊~(逃) 09/02 22:51
RBarrichello:很囧耶 09/02 23:08