精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Sun, 9th Sep 2007 Shaun Wright-Phillips proved recommendations made by colleagues at Chelsea were not unfounded as he scored the vital first goal in England's much needed 3-0 win over Israel. 笅賴特註定是今晚的明星 用進球證明隊友的褒獎不是吹噓 英格蘭3-0以色列 The Chelsea winger showed good technique to stab a half-volley home after 40 minutes. The ball in came from his club mate on the opposite wing, Joe Cole. 笅賴特半空中踢射門 球剛好是喬柯爾傳的 It was Wright-Phillips's second England goal but on his 14th appearance, he was once again denied his first international 90 minutes, making way for David Bentley with seven minutes remaining. 笅賴特的第二個國際入球 第14個國際帽子 最後七分鐘前退場 垃圾時間留給了本特力 這也已經是關於笅賴特的第三段了 The two Coles and John Terry played the whole game, as did Tal Ben-Haim for the Israel side. 蔣公跟左右柯爾都打了整場 另外少了魯尼跟他對幹 NONO整個就很沒動力 幾乎沒有上鏡 領銜的後防整個被英格蘭強暴 England move up to third in their group, one point behind Russia who visit Wembley on Wednesday. 接下來英格蘭打西丁克的惡羅斯 Salomon Kalou was another Chelsea player celebrating. Ivory Coast could only draw 0-0 with Gabon but by avoiding a six-goal defeat, they guaranteed their place in the African Cup of Nations tournament early next year. The Chelsea striker entered the game in the 62nd minute. 可魯的象牙海岸跟加彭林志零 正式進軍明年非洲盃正賽 Orz......可魯62分鐘替補入場 John Mikel Obi's Nigeria, already certain of a place in the Finals, beat Lesotho 2-0. It was a game spoilt by a near unplayable pitch in the second-half following heavy rain and indeed the conditions played a big part in Mikel missing a penalty late on, a combination of the keeper and the waterlogging stopping his shot 米克爾的尼日利亞早就進軍非洲盃正賽 二比零勝萊斯托 米克爾踢飛點球 XD Ghana, who will be hosting the ACN so have no need to qualify, beat Morocco 2-0 in a friendly played in France. Michael Essien, who captained the Ghana team, ended the game playing in central defence after substitutions had been made. 可憐的愛心在迦魶對摩洛哥的友誼賽(迦魶是主辦國)因為去年在俱樂部踢中後衛表現 傑出 結果被叫去踢了一段時間的中後衛 ..... 結果是二比零勝 Back in the qualifiers for Euro 2008, Petr Cech was short odds to keep a clean sheet away to San Marino and he duly obliged as the Czech Republic won 3-0, but the Chelsea keeper was not unemployed during the game. 切赫總算又拿了一場CS 捷克三比零勝聖馬力歐 切赫並沒有在旁邊睡覺 He had to make three first-half saves with the game still scoreless. 上半場就救了三顆球 The win leaves the Czechs looking steady in the second qualification place in their group. They are five points behind Germany but two points dropped by the Republic of Ireland, who visit Prague on Wednesday, leaves them three points behind Cech's team. 捷克以第二名出線的機會很高 苦主應該是愛爾蘭 Claude Makelele and Florent Malouda both played the full 90 minutes of France's 0-0 draw against Italy in Milan, a result the benefits the French the most. They remain a point ahead of Scotland and two above the world champions. 奴隸兵馬克來來跟馬路達人兩個都打滿整場 結果法國跟義大利林治齡 法國領先義大利兩積分 In the same group, Andriy Shevchenko captained Ukraine for the full match away to Georgia but had two shot's saved before the home side equalised in the 89th minute to make it 1-1. 色府琴蚵健健康康的踢了烏克蘭整場比賽 射門兩次被接殺 結果晚節不保 完場前被喬治亞逼平 出線的前景不樂觀 It is not looking too healthy for Ukraine who are now five points adrift of second place although they do have a game in hand. They play Italy at home next. Paulo Ferreira was neither in the side nor on the pitch in Portugal's home 2-2 draw with Poland, a result that leaves the Portuguese two points behind second place with a game in hand. 可憐的費雷拉連葡萄牙大名單都沒有進入 板凳也沒份 結果葡國沒贏 Over in South America, Peru drew 2-2 with Columbia in a friendly played at home although Claudio Pizarro was not among the scorers. 轉到南美洲 祕魯跟哥倫比亞二二和球 皮炸羅沒進球 Neither of Chelsea's newest Under 21 internationals were in action on Friday. Michael Mancienne had to pull out of England's game with injury while goalkeeper Rhys Taylor remained on the bench for Wales. 切爾西兩隻21歲以下國際隊的青年都沒有上場 曼西恩臨戰前受傷退出英格蘭隊 威爾士守門員泰勒坐暖了九十分鐘的板凳 In form winger Miroslav Stoch played for Slovakia Under 19s this week and scored twice although his team lost 4-3 to Serbia. 19歲以下的邊鋒斯托克進兩球 斯洛伐克四比三勝塞爾維亞 Fabio Ferreira the played the first-half for Portugal Under 19s against Republic of Ireland on Tuesday night in Dublin. The Portuguese won 1-0 with Ferreira subbed after the goal. 小費雷拉打了半場 葡國勝愛爾蘭19歲以下隊一球~ -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Santos 來自: (09/09 22:12)
tomuya:愛心當中衛,切赫沒有睡覺XDXD 09/10 00:07