精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://chelsea.sina.com.cn/news/2007-09-11/08203811.html http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1109765,00.html Breaks for national team matches can be tough for managers left waiting and for players returning defeated, as our columnist and former Chelsea and Scotland star recalls (pictured here in national costume, holding off mighty San Marino). 對於等待中的主教練和帶著失利回來的球員們來說,國際比賽的間歇會是艱難的,就 像我們的週二專欄作家和前切爾西和蘇格蘭明星回憶的一樣(圖中他正身著蘇格蘭隊球衣 對抗高大的聖馬力諾人)。 Right now Jose' Mourinho is probably less comfortable than he will be at any other time during the season. 現在,何塞-穆里尼奧也許比他在賽季的其它任何時刻都不舒服。 With two international dates this week, Chelsea, maybe more than any other team, will be very concerned about injuries to key players. 在本週有2個國際比賽日的情況下,切爾西,可能比其它任何球隊更多的,將關注關鍵球 員的傷勢。 As usual the lads are spread out all over the planet, playing in crucial games for their countries. Two of the most notable performers at the weekend were Joe Cole And Shaun Wright-Phillips, with their impressive appearances for England against Israel. 像以往一樣,小夥子們分佈在了星球的各個地方,他們為各自的國度踢重要的比賽。週末 ,2名最引人注目的球員是喬-科爾和紹恩-賴特-菲利普斯,他們在英格蘭與以色列的比賽 中表現出色。 Both are players who are unlikely to worry Jose. They are unlikely to feel jaded on their return to club football against Blackburn Rovers because they are simply desperate to get games under their belts after missing long periods of football over the past months and indeed years. 他們都可能不擔心何塞。他們不會在回到與布萊克本流浪者的俱樂部足球比賽中感到疲倦 ,因為他們只是渴望著在過去數月,實際上是幾年的時間內長時間缺席比賽後出場。 They also do not have the concern of jet lag following long flights home, unlike Michael Essien, Salomon Kalou, John Mikel Obi and Andriy Shevchenko. It would however be pointless for Jose' to complain too much about jaded stars, because he knows that this is simply the unavoidable downside of signing some of the best players in the world. 他們也不必有長距離飛行回家的擔憂,和邁克爾-埃辛、薩洛蒙-卡勞、約翰-米克爾-奧 比和安德列-舍甫琴科不同但是,對於何塞來說,過度為這些疲勞的球星抱怨將是無意義 的。因為他知道,這只是這些世界上最好的球員加盟不可避免的不利因素。 The real headache for the manager is that he is powerless to intervene while the players are out of his care. When they come back he will have a big job on his hands. He has to figure out which players are the most tired, which are the most mentally drained by their experiences in the internationals and which will be up or down taking into account who has played well and won, and who has struggled and lost. 對於主教練來說,真正的頭疼是他在球員們不在他照料的時候,他無力干預、當他們回來 時。他手頭將有重要的工作。他不得不根據他們在國際比賽中的經歷判斷出哪些球員最疲 勞,那些球員在精神上最精疲力竭,並根據誰踢得很好而贏球以及誰在忍受痛苦而輸球判 斷出誰的狀態變好或者變壞。 Another couple of Blues stars that have had intense pressure in their home country are Florent Malouda and Claude Makelele of France. The tension in the match against Italy was immense and the expectation huge, but at least the 0-0 result suited them better than their opponents. 另一些在自己的祖國承擔了重大壓力的藍軍明星們是法國隊的弗洛倫特-馬盧達和克勞德- 馬克萊萊。與意大利比賽的緊張是極大的,期望值是巨大的,但至少,0-0的結果讓他們 比自己的對手位置更好 They still however have to face Scotland at the Parc des Princes tomorrow and I for one hope they get thrashed but come through otherwise unscathed after facing my home country. 但他們仍然將於明天在王子公園球場面對蘇格蘭隊,我個人希望他們大敗,但在面對我的 隊伍之後不受傷。 When all the players do get back to the training ground at Cobham, the focus will be almost exclusively on rest and recovery before the weekend. There will be massages, warm baths, gentle jogs and as much sleep as possible. 當所有球員回到科本的訓練場時,主將們近乎於在週末之前休息並恢復。那裡將有 按摩、熱水澡、溫和的慢跑和儘可能多的睡眠。 There will also be attempts to relax the players mentally after the particular stresses that representing your country brings on. 同樣將有的是,球員們將特別的在代表各自的國度之後帶來的強調中從精神上放鬆。 One inescapable thing waiting for players returning from national duty is 'good natured' ribbing from their club team mates and staff from other countries. If they do not win tomorrow night in Paris, Florent and Claude will have Scottish assistant coach Stevie Clarke waiting for them at the reception on their return. If France do win then Clarkey might just make himself scarce in the morning. 等待著從國際任務中歸隊的球員們的一個逃不掉的事情是從他們的的俱樂部隊友和其它國 家成員中帶來的「善意的」玩笑。如果他們明天晚上沒有在巴黎贏球,那麼,弗洛倫特和 克勞德將讓蘇格蘭助理教練斯蒂維-克拉克等待接他們回來。如果法國隊贏了,那麼克拉 基可能只會讓他在那個上午無所事事了。 There are few rivalries more keenly felt than that between Scotland and England. In my time at Chelsea there were half a dozen of us Scots at the Bridge and if I lost an international match and England won, I simply didn't want to come back to training the next day. It was always best to get it out of the way however and accept the abuse that was inevitably going to come. 在蘇格蘭與英格蘭之間,人們可以完全敏銳的感覺到一些敵意。我在切爾西的時候,在斯 坦福橋,我們有半打是蘇格蘭人,如果我輸了一場國際比賽,但英格蘭贏了的話,我只是 不想在第二天回到訓練中。最好的總是那樣放鬆,並接受不可避免的將要發生的辱罵 。 A method once tried by the coaching staff was to have a five a side game between the Scots and the English that morning to get the aggression out of our systems. Unfortunately, and not surprisingly, that could get a bit heated, leading to even more injuries if we weren't careful. 教練組曾經試過的一種方法是,那個上午在蘇格蘭人和英格蘭人之間進行一場五人制比賽 ,這樣讓我們之間的敵意化解。不幸的是,而且並不意外的是,那有可能會火上澆油,如 果我們不小心的話,還會導致更多的傷病。 Most of the time it was light hearted, more as case of leg pulling than attempts at leg breaking. For example if you lost to Spain there might be a little sombrero that mysteriously appeared next to your changing place before you arrived for training. I once spotted a bag of onions beside one player's kit after his squad had lost to France the previous night. 更多的時候,是小心翼翼的,更多的是像拉腿而不是對抗。例如,如果反面的情況發生, 英格蘭輸給了西班牙,那麼在你去訓練之前,有可能會有一頂墨西哥式的寬邊帽在你的更 衣位置旁邊神秘的出現。我曾經在一名球員的球隊前一夜輸給法國隊後將一口袋洋蔥放在 了他的工具包旁邊。 The best one was a miniature bottle of vodka surreptitiously hidden in a player's training boots the morning after a defeat to Russia. This was of course greeted by raucous laughter when the player tried to put his boot on. 最好的一個例子是,曾經有人在一名球員輸給俄羅斯後的第二天上午將一小瓶伏特加藏在 了他的訓練靴中。當他試圖穿上靴子時,這當然引起了沙啞的大笑。 It would take Kofi Annan and Butros-Butros Ghali working with Henry Kissinger for a fortnight just to figure out the complexities of the relationships between all the nationalities currently represented at Chelsea. 如果想解決現在出現在切爾西的所有國家之間關係的複雜問題,那麼,科菲-安南和布特 羅斯-布特羅斯-加利以及亨利-基辛格一起要工作兩週時間。 Probably best not to think about it, but instead think about the quiz question for this week. 也許最好是不要想它,但還是考慮一下本週的問題吧。 First things first. Last week I asked what was the link between Basil Boli, Patrick Kluivert and Juliano Belletti? There were various answers sent in, including, they all have the same favourite band, allegedly U2. They all play guitar; they all have the same pre match meal in Spaghetti Bolognese. 重要的事情先來。上週,我的問題是巴西爾-博利、帕特裡克-克魯伊維特和朱利亞諾-貝 萊蒂之間的聯繫是什麼。人們送來了各式各樣的回答,包括,他們都有同樣的愛好,這樣 來說你也有:他們都彈吉他;他們都在比賽之前吃相同的意大利番茄牛肉麵。 One clever suggestion was that all were born outside the European Union but each now has an EU passport and a less serious but nonetheless accurate suggestion was that they all have an 'i' in their names. 一個聰明的說法是,他們都出生於歐盟之外,但都有歐洲護照,以及一個不那麼嚴肅,但 正確的說法是,他們的名字裡都有個「i」。 The answer I was looking for was that each has scored the winning goal in a Champions League final. Basil Boli for Marseille in 1992, Patrick Kluivert for Ajax in 1994 and of course our own Juliano for Barcelona against Arsenal in 2006. The winner this week is Leonisa Yap from The Philippines. 我要尋找的答案是,他們都在冠軍聯賽決賽中打入過致勝入球,巴西爾-博利1992年為馬 賽,帕特裡克-克魯伊維特1994年為阿賈克斯,當然,我們自己的朱利亞諾2006年在巴塞 羅那與阿森納的比賽中也打進過。本週的優勝者是來自菲律賓的萊奧尼薩。 This week to win a copy of 'Cup Kings' - the review of last season DVD, could you tell me which Chelsea player modelled for Giorgio Armani, long before the current agreement with the club and the fashion house. 本週問題的獎品是一張「足總杯王者」——上賽季回歸的DVD,你能告訴我那一名切爾西 球員在俱樂部和時裝商店簽訂現在的協議之前很長時間就為喬爾喬-阿瑪尼做過模特嗎? Answers as ever to [email protected] 就像以前一樣,答案請發送到[email protected]。 And of course good luck to all those teams competing this week in the football internationals, except of course France, obviously! 當然,祝所有本週參加國際比賽的球隊好運,除了法國,顯然! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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