精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Le Saux: Chelsea stars would fork out for training equipment tribalfooball.com - September 11, 2007 Graeme Le Saux has revealed how Gianfranco Zola and other Chelsea stars used to fork out for their own training equipment. In his new autobiography, serialised in The Times, Le Saux wrote: "Franco (Zola) had already bought a defensive wall out of his own pocket so he could practise his free kicks at the end of training. 前切爾西球員勒索爆料 他跟左拉以前都自己花錢買訓練器材的 左拉還得自己買人偶 才可以在訓練時練習踢自由球 "He was saying now that he also wanted to buy some lightweight aluminum goals so we didn't have to go through the daily weightlifting ritual. I said that squad members should chip in £100 each because it wasn't fair that Franco footed the whole bill and then people started weighing in with other proposals. 很久很久以前 左拉想自己買輕量化的鋁球門 這樣大家就不用每天早上做不受歡迎的重訓 把笨重的球門抬來抬去 所以勒索就建議大家美人捐出一百蚌 左拉就不用自己出錢 接著大家開始討論合資買東西 "Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink, who had just joined, suggested we should pay a groundsman's salary for a year so that we had a guy to look after our pitches. He said if we all put in £1,000, it should cover it. Someone else said that if we put an extra £500 up, we could get the showers retiled because people had started to cut their feet on the jagged edges. Marcel Desailly added that if we put in another few hundred quid we could get a jacuzzi. Then Eidur Gudjohnsen piped up. 當時剛加入的前鋒老哈提議大家湊錢請一位管理員管理草皮 因為訓練場的草皮沒人看守 請一個管理員的年費大約美人要出一千個蚌 又有人提議每人出五百個蚌 重新在浴室貼新瓷磚 因為舊的已經破舊銳利的會割到腳了 德薩利也提議 每人再出幾百蚌 就可以買一個按摩浴缸 最後冰島魚說話了 "'F*** it,' he said, 'why don't we put in £100,000 each and buy Ronaldo.'" 幹! 乾脆每人出十萬個蚌買胖羅算了~ -- Abramovich angers Chelsea stars with Russia player bonus tribalfooball.com - September 11, 2007 Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich has offered Russia's players £40,000-a-man to beat England tonight. 聽說貼心的阿布為了替切爾西的英格蘭球員打氣 懸賞巨資獎勵俄羅斯打贏英格蘭~ The Daily Mail says details of the incredible gesture from Chelsea's billionaire benefactor, who bankrolls Guus Hiddink's £1.5million-a-year salary as Russia coach, were disclosed just 24 hours before tonight's Euro 2008 qualifier at Wembley. 俄羅斯教練西丁克的一年一五零萬蚌薪水聽說也是阿布出的 England skipper John Terry is one of four Chelsea players in an unchanged team following Saturday's 3-0 triumph over Israel, but Abramovich has put club loyalties to one side in order to give Russia a huge incentive to qualify for next summer's finals. Around £15,000 a man is coming from the Russian Football Union, which is funded by Abramovich, and another £25,000 has been guaranteed from the Russian National Football Academy, which is also backed by the Chelsea owner. 阿布-俄羅斯足聯的金主 獎賞每名俄羅斯球員15000+25000=40000個蚌的獎金 只要能打贏英格蘭 Russia striker Alexander Kerzhakov said: "For me it doesn't really matter if it's Abramovich's money or someone else's. 一名俄羅斯的"前鋒A" 說只要有錢他都很歡迎 "I play for the colours of the Russian flag and not for banknotes." -- 今天貼比較有趣的 原來以前俱樂部這麼窮..... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hareruya:還蠻好笑的XDDD 09/12 18:31
DemonRing:F*** it,美人出1000磅把里茲買下來。(?) 09/12 18:33
LarrikinLove:XXDDD好好笑 09/12 18:36
toybuzz:哈哈哈哈哈 09/12 19:15
stranck:看到中間我就笑翻了 XDDD 09/12 20:59
※ 編輯: Santos 來自: (09/12 21:43)
Santos:每人出十萬蚌 一隊最多四十人好了 乘起來也只有4m 哪裡買的 09/12 21:44
Santos:起胖羅 .... 09/12 21:45