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http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1112878,00.html NO FOREGONE CONCLUSIONS Sat, 15th Sep 2007 Despite recording four wins over Rovers last season, Ashley Cole will be taking nothing for granted today against a Blackburn team that are unbeaten since our FA Cup semi final victory over them back in April. 儘管上賽季對流浪者拿下四勝,阿什利並不覺得今天有必勝的保證。 Cole has been busy concentrating on England duties over the last fortnight, and he admits it was good to be able to turn his mind away from the disappointing defeat at Villa Park 13 days ago. 柯爾日前忙於國家隊賽事,他認為這是消除13天前敗仗的好方法。 'I think everyone was disappointed after the defeat. It was nice to get away and think about something else, a lot of the players have come back happy and hopefully we can take that into Saturday,' he said. "輸球實在遭透了,所幸大部分的球員都是帶著喜悅從國家隊歸來,希望週六得勝。" 'After a defeat you just want to forget about it sometimes and move on to the next game. We've had time to reflect on how we're playing, and we're not playing as well as we can, so the 13 days have been good to reflect on that and now we'll come back stronger. "我們沒有打出應有的水準,所以輸了,13天是個重新出發的好時間。" 'There's nothing to get worried about. We're fourth I think, still in the cups obviously, so it's not a major problem. We don't like losing but we have to get on with Saturday and get the points back on the teams ahead of us.' "沒有什麼好擔心的,我們的排名不錯,週六有機會趕上領先集團。" A league double was complemented by dumping Rovers out of both domestic cup competitions during 2006/7, but Cole insists there is little point in suggesting we may hold a mental edge over Mark Hughes' men. 0607賽季我們在聯賽和兩盃賽上四勝流浪者,不過柯爾不認為我們有心理優勢。 'No, every game is different. It's nice to beat these teams, but these records are there to be broken. It's no use saying that because then bang, we lose, so we have to be focused. It's a hard game and we're not going to expect anything different,' said the left back. "每場比賽都是艱難的,我們要專心一志。" Blackburn currently lie 6th in the table, but with eight points from four games, they have a game in hand over most of the sides around them, including ourselves, lying fourth. 流浪者目前排名第六,四場比賽積八分,還有一場未賽。 'They're a good team,' Cole asserts. 'They have added good strikers, and have McCarthy too, and of course Bentley is doing well. They have a good team and always give us a battle. We have to get over the Villa game and win this one so we'll be up for it.' "他們很強,有麥卡錫和本特利,每次跟他們交手他們都很頑強。" Cole dismisses the view that Blackburn are an overly physical team, pointing to the burgeoning flair in the squad as an indicator of how Hughes has gradually redirected his side's style of play in recent seasons. 柯爾不認為流浪者是支只靠身體打法的球隊。 'Yeah everyone seems to say that, but with the players they've got, like Bentley, he's not one of the hardest around, he has a good tackle but is more of a flair player, and Pedersen too. "大家都說他們粗野,但他們也有技術型的球員,像本特利和彼得森。" 'Maybe back in the day they were, but they have players that can play and like to put it about as well which is the sign of a good team, and of course they have a good manager as well.' "或許他們以前很粗獷,但現在不一樣了,他們有好球員,也有好教練。" By Andy Jones -- “沒有幾人能像他一樣在37歲就累計過百億的財富,沒有幾個人能像他一樣狡黠。” by 俄羅斯《真理報》記者謝爾蓋 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: