精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.chelseafc.com/page/NewsHomePage/0,,10268~1116601,00.html Chelsea Football Club can confirm that Avram Grant and Steve Clarke will be in charge of the first team from today (Thursday). The club is delighted that in Avram we have an experienced man who can come in immediately at this difficult time to help deliver our objectives. In Steve we have a Chelsea man and he will be a crucial part of the management team going forward. Avram and Steve have our full confidence and support. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
FrankLampard:只好先頂著用了 09/20 18:33
wei7515:這篇看不出是長期還是暫時的,不過靜觀其變 09/20 18:34
TonyBlair:有人可以介紹一下這兩位嗎... 09/20 18:49
u1302094:Avram Grant之前當過以色列國家隊教練。 09/20 18:53
Verriasen:下一場可是要對上曼聯耶...哭哭 09/20 19:01
kenyshsu:克拉克是原本的助理教練嗎 09/20 19:09
DemonRing:是滴 克拉克大叔 09/20 19:17