精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11661_2742938,00.html Dennis Wise: a lot of people will miss him. I think the Premiership will miss him. 老隊長Dennis Wise:很多人將會懷念他,我想英超將會懷念他 Milan Mandaric: he is a good man and I don't think he would play any part in making the decision for Jose to leave'. 前港嘴主席:他(格蘭特)是個好人,而且我不認為他跟何塞離去的原因有關 Harry Redknapp: was the obvious candidate that was out there. 港嘴老大:(格蘭特)是一個很好的教練候選人 Sven Goran Eriksson he knows his football, has a lot of experience from Israel and did a good job with the national team. 前英格蘭教練,現曼城隊教練-手機人:(格蘭特)了解足球,他在以色列國家隊得到很多經 驗而且做的很好 Chris Hutchings: has come as a shock I don't know what really happened, we will have to wait and see, but I'm very surprised. 威根老大:這嚇到我了 Steve Coppell: you just felt there was going to be a parting of the ways at some time'. 雷丁老大:你必須知道有時候將會是個分開的方式 Stephen Hunt: disappointing to see Mourinho leave. He has been great for the game in the Premier League. 雷丁球員史蒂夫杭特:很難過看到莫里尼奧走,在英超的比賽中他是很棒的 Steve Bruce: will not just be a loss to Chelsea but to the Premier League as well'. 伯明罕主席:不只是切爾西的損失也是整個英超的損失 Andy Gray: I can't say I was that shocked when the news broke that Jose Mourinho had left Chelsea' 天空體育評論家:我不能說我有被何塞莫里尼奧離開的新聞嚇到了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
Verriasen:該一人一信的時候了! 09/21 01:47
Rasheed:為什麼會輪到那個雷丁球員講話 ( ̄﹏ ̄|||) 09/21 01:49
※ 編輯: wei7515 來自: (09/21 01:54)
u1302094:Mandaric現在是狐狸幫(Leicester City FC)的主席 09/21 01:56
Supasizeit:Andy Gray真是一個全知全能的無敵足球評論家 09/21 02:12
Praying:布魯士先生好像在說悼詞一樣,嘖嘖 09/21 02:55
cses87254:Hunt.... 09/21 18:23