精華區beta Chelsea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
介紹新教練: http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11095_2746330,00.html 就不詳翻譯了,相信之後會有中文翻譯出現 澄清一些事:http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11661_2746408,00.html Kenyon: No bust-up Chelsea chief executive denies Mourinho fell out with players By Andrew Scurr Last updated: 21st September 2007 Chelsea chief executive Peter Kenyon has denied a bust-up between Jose Mourinho and certain players was the reason behind the Portuguese tactician leaving. 肯羊否認老大和某些球員間有過衝突 Mourinho departed The Blues by mutual consent in the early hours of Thursday, with reports claiming he had been involved in a disagreement with one or more players. 老大離開是因為雙方的共識,而外傳老大與一(些)球員的意見不合 囧 But Kenyon, speaking at a press conference shown on Sky Sports News, said: "There is absolutely nothing in the stories going around and in particular no truth in any rumours of a bust-up with one or several players which led to him leaving the club. 但肯羊說: 老大離開真的與 老大與球員的衝突的謠言 無關 "That is incorrect and we need to move on." 這是不對的,而我們需要往前邁進 Kenyon also rejected suggestions that differences in opinion on player recruitment forced Mourinho's exit. 肯羊也反駁 "老大因採買雞蛋/球員意見不合而離開”的猜測 He said: "There has never been a point in time where we bought a player without the full approval or knowledge (of Mourinho); there's never been a point where we've instructed the first team coach to play that player or that formation. 肯羊說:我們從未在老大 沒被知會或不同意 的情形下買來一個球員,也沒有指使過教練要 用哪個球員或指示他用那個陣型。 囧 "Not even Shevchenko. Shevchenko was purchased on the back of a decision between the owner, the board and the manager." Sheva是在 老闆,高層 以及經理的決定下買來的 No mass exodus 不會有大出走 Meanwhile, Kenyon is adamant Chelsea need not worry about the likes of John Terry and Frank Lampard leaving in the wake of Mourinho's departure. 肯羊說 切爾西不需要擔心JT或LP因 老大離開而出走 "I am not concerned about there being a mass exodus in the summer," Kenyon added. "I have spoken to them as well as other members of the team. 我不會擔心在夏天時會發生大出走,我有跟他們以及隊裏的其他人談過 "The players came out before training this morning and made it clear they are supportive of moving forwards." 球員早上出來練球前 有出來說明白 他們支持向前進 -------------------------------------------------------- 此地無銀三百兩 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: superbecky 來自: (09/22 03:04)
Rasheed:Sheva那一段很妙~ 從前一段來看 魔力鳥是first team coach 09/22 03:05
Rasheed:但是接著就說是由 the owner, the board and the manager 09/22 03:06
Rasheed:共同決定買下Sheva的 但是就是沒有講到"coach"~ 09/22 03:07
momo7426:肯陽講的話一向都不能太相信 09/22 03:07
Rasheed:突然覺得我很有當妓者的天份 斷章取義 ( ̄﹏ ̄|||) 09/22 03:07
wei7515:臭肯羊~騙了我好多次~ 09/22 03:21
superbecky:肯羊:一日曼聯 終身曼聯 09/22 03:23
wei7515:看到樓上的句子又生氣起來了 09/22 03:25
jftsai:http://tinyurl.com/ystxx4 阿布和格蘭特倆心情不錯 09/22 09:11
alixia:看到照片終於知道為啥有人叫他(Grant) count dracula 09/22 10:40
jftsai:可以叫他格蘭特爺爺嗎? 看起來真的很老 09/22 11:04
hareruya:怎麼看起來一臉奸像 阿阿阿 完了 我好像對他有偏見了 09/22 11:21
Verriasen:肯羊說話都不算話的 09/22 12:46